Dec 26, 2004 18:46
It's been a while, indeed.
Currently, I am bored in Windsor. I should be in Peterborough, feeding my addiction. We'll get into that in a bit...
The car broke down on the way home, and is now in a shop waiting to be fixed while we're back in Windsor. I HAD planned to enjoy a nice relaxing evening at HOME tonight... but the gods were against it. 85 k off London when the car emptied its oil tank.
Fingers crossed that they'll find it's not a big deal (probably a badly sealed oil filter)
I may go mad otherwise.
Now, don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like the folks down here.. I do. However, I prefer to spend time on my own turf, and family visits exhaust me. Especially when they involve squalling multitudes of children.
In addition, I would prefer to be home playing WoW. There. I've said it. I have an addiction. This game is beyond words phenomenal, and damn it.. I want to fucking finish my quest in Desolace soon and HIT LVL 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So... close.
Grrr. I don't even have any books down here. This sucks.