Jul 31, 2008 23:12
August 1, 1994 was one of the happiest days of my life. Fourteen years later, I look back with mixed feelings. I expected to spend each anniversary celebrating.
Most days, I am able to look forward to the next day with anticipation. Tonight is different.
The ceremony fourteen years ago was simple with only a few close friends and relatives in attendance. We decided to have it in the Tift County Court House Annex. A double sweeping stair case set the backdrop for our little wedding. I had on a beautiful gown and he wore the suit he would later be buried in. My brother, in his dress blues, gave me away with my two best friends standing beside me in navy blue dresses, carrying peach bouquets.
Later, at the reception, those same friends chased Emory down with a gallon of birdseed that ended up being poured into his pants. He had to undress outside of the hotel room to avoid dumping what remained onto the carpet inside the room. Our life together began with laughter that I thought would never end.
Through all the trials, joys and changes that came, I always loved him and always will. But, I am angry that he isn't here. There won't be any flowers for me this year. No card to mark the day. No one laying beside me while I sleep, or to wake up beside me in the morning. I'm still very angry. Maybe I always will be.