On a more positive and light note...

Aug 16, 2010 10:47

We has kittehs!

The white one is Chronic (he is long and wiry, like an indica plant) and the grey one is Kush (he is puffy and soft, and so cooshy!!).  Sorry for the crappy pics, they don't stay still very long, and my webcam is not the fastest!



The reason they are Kush and Chronic is because we got them from a lady who does cat rescue out of her house and they were $60.00/each, the price of a good quality 8th...

They are 9 weeks old now, rescued from an older cat hoarder's place.

They are also amazing active food ninja stealing kitties.  They purr a lot and have made our house a lot lighter and cheery.  They purr a lot, steal pillows at an amazing rate, but oddly enough, they will only sleep in the bed with us if both of us, or just DH is home.  Odd.  They are obsessed with the laptop, more specifically the mouse, and will pounce on it.  Sometimes it's a little tiring to constantly (it seems) redirecting them, especiall when it comes to food.  Like at work.

I have a cat laying across my wrists making it hard to type...
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