Damn. This has been a stressful week so far...

Jun 03, 2008 04:04

Yesterday, DH got a call from Judy to let us know Old Shakey (AKA DH's grandmother) had passed away.  It really wasn't any big suprise since last week we had gone to see her in the hospice, and she had withered away to nothing.

Then last night, we had a BBQ out on the roof and had brats.  DH and P put the grill on this thick wooden thing so it wouldn't burn through.  They thought it was all cooled down and stuff before we went to bed.  It wasn't.  DH smelled something at about 9am, and found it had burned through and part of the roof (it is some kind of weird polymer thing) had melted.  We all freaked and DH & P went to Home Depot to get something to fix it.  In the meantime, the burned spot flared up again and started smoking and flaming again.  I put water on it and tried to smother it but nothing helped.  Anxiety attack big time.  Then the landlords came up, called the cops and fire department...it was a fucking mess.  We got cited by the cops and fire department.  I hid the 420 and stuff so no troubles there.

The landlord was of course pissed but didn't blow up.  He said if we went on the roof again, we'd get evicted and he said the adjuster would be by tomorrow or something.

Thursday is DH's grandma's wake.  Friday is the funeral.  I have to ask for Friday off to go.  More bullshit with the in-laws.  DH still hasn't found a job.  I'm still getting used to mine.  Major stress.  Life sucks balls right now.

I guess on the positive side, no one got hurt and none of our shit was damaged.  Meh.
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