Washington - Reminder: Voter Ballots need to be postmarked today.
Referendum 71 is pro gay rights. It was already passed by the legislature and so anti-gay groups petitioned to get it on the ballot to get voters to reject it. (Confusing at first to see anti groups attempting to get on the ballot something they are against. I'm pro gay rights and was trying to figure out how Ref71 could possibly be anti.)
Context Referendum 71 Although the outcome of the vote is the current point of interest, I find
the signature disclosure debate Marcy brought up more interesting. Probably because my opinion is less clear cut. Basically a pro-gay group wants to post all the names of the petition signers on the internet. As I understand it, currently petition signatures are public domain, but generally most people wouldn't bother to look at them.
1 Unrelated, random:
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