Wonderful Winter Wishes to WWMRSWEASLEYDO!

Dec 14, 2012 11:12

Title: All That's Best of Dark and Bright
Author: katmarajade
Written for: wwmrsweasleydo
Pairing: Percy Weasley/Hikaru Sulu (Harry Potter/Star Trek Crossover)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 596
Prompt: Surviving the holiday season … which was pretty much co-opted by your enthusiasm for my only-partly-joking suggestion of Hikaru/Percy and took on a life of its own.
Summary: Neville met a new friend at a conference about plants, introducing him to Percy at a Christmas party, and Percy's world is forever altered.
Notes: I originally had started a lovely story about Percy and Anthony Goldstein dealing with their family's wacky Christmas and Hanukkah traditions and them being totally *headdesk* make it end! but then you expressed interest in my silly idea of a x-over and this happened … Sulu, as is usual for me, is a beautiful combination of George Takei and John Cho and is practically perfect in every way. *fangirls*

This is set in the HP 'verse. (For non-Trek lovers, please note that you can read this with absolutely no knowledge of Trek and still appreciate the romance. And non-HP lovers, you can read this with no real knowledge of the HP 'verse, though there are a few minor references.) Oh! And the title is from Byron's words, alas, not mine. /ridiculously long author's note that is as long as the story itself *facepalm*

Percy's world was turned upside down when Neville brought a new friend to Harry and Ginny's Christmas party. Neville, face slightly flushed from the Yule Punch (which had been spiked three separate times by Ron, Seamus, and George and was now potent enough to get even Hagrid dizzy!), introduced them cheerfully.

"Percy! Good man, always good to see you. You're looking well. I just got back from a worldwide Herbology conference. Brilliant time! Met this fine gent here, who had never been to London! Can you imagine? Naturally, I invited him for a bit of a winter holiday."

The smile on Neville's friend's face was slow and a decidedly smirky sort of quality to it. Percy's pale face flushed the color of the spiced wine in his glass and he cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Percy Weasley, Assistant to the Minister of Magic. Pleased to meet you." He reached out his hand with as much dignity as he could muster given the embarrassingly maroon state of his face.

"Oh my," answered the man, the smirk now even more pronounced. The low, smooth voice did dangerous things to Percy's composure. "My name is Hikaru Sulu and the pleasure's all mine."

Percy blinked rapidly, trying to develop a proper response. He barely noticed as Neville was called away by his wife, leaving Percy and Hikaru alone in a corner of Harry and Ginny's dining room. The party raged on around them, loud and cheerful, but it seemed almost eerily calm to Percy, who couldn't take his eyes off of Hikaru. The name rolled off his tongue in his mind and he wanted to say it aloud, over and over, but in the interest of maintaining a modicum of pride he held his tongue.

Hikaru made polite small talk, but Percy was too distracted by the sensual timbre of Hikaru's voice and the way the fairy lights reflected against Hikaru's cheekbones to hear a word. A short while later, Hikaru suggested they go find a cup of coffee somewhere quieter. Percy startled and flushed again.

"I, erm, don't make a habit of taking men I've only just met home with me," he said stiffly.

Hikaru's laugh was gentle, genuine, and kind, and for once Percy didn't feel embarrassed to have someone laugh at him. "I was serious about the coffee, Percy. Let's start with that, shall we?"

Percy was lost in the perfect smoothness of Hikaru's voice and the mesmerising depths of his dark eyes that seemed to capture all darkness and light, reflecting it back in a perfect swirl that reminded Percy of the vast, unexplored, glittering black of the heavens above. There was nothing for it but to follow, and Percy followed Hikaru out of his sister's home, away from the spirited laughter and party games, into the quiet night where snow sparkled softly as it danced through the golden beams of streetlights.

They blinked away the flakes that hung to their lashes and pulled their scarves more tightly around their necks. Percy still tingled from where Hikaru's fingers had brushed his arms when Hikaru had helped him with his coat. They trudged through the crunching snow drifting back and forth over the pavements and shot each other heated glances, like shared secrets sizzling in the silence.

Percy followed his heart, his gut, his soul-all which told him to go. For once in his life, as he walked, heart pounding and nerves twitching, he ignored his powerful rational side, which was still whinging at him, but you don't even like coffee! He would be forever grateful that.

char: st: hikaru sulu, hp/st: percy/sulu, fic, fandom: star trek: aos/tos, fandom: harry potter, crossover, hdb 2012, char: hp: percy weasley, holiday drabbly bits!

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