Bye Bye Birdy

May 31, 2012 10:46

Thanks to everyone who voted in my passenger of the week poll! It was a lot of fun and I hope to do it again when I come across a pair of particularly awesome pax! Dancer Girl On Sugar High inched out Cheery Santa With Romance Novel by a single vote! So clearly, both were amazing. But the award goes to the wild-eyed, bee-bopping girl in 11D. :D *gives her more sour patch kids and watches with glee*

A couple of mornings ago I got onto the airplane, stowed my suitcase, and went to do my safety checks. I got about to the overwing exit row when something small and brown scuttled across the aisle. I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I let out a genuine shriek. (Short and more of shock than actual fear, but try telling that to my first officer who claim I was screaming in terror, lol) At first I thought it was a rodent of some kind, but then I heard fluttering and it flew (albeit clunkily and awkwardly) across the aisle. I got a good look at it then and it was a bird-- a decent size brown bird. Not a huge hawk or egret or anything, but definitely much bigger than a bitty sparrow or chickadee. We tried to find it to sweep it out of the plane (get it up to the main cabin door which is the only open exit).

Then it was just GONE. I have no idea how it got out if it did ... it must have, though. There was only like a ten second window in which it could have made its move and it must have been silent, stealth, ninja bird and managed to stop panicking and realize that it had to go forward and immediately hang a hard left then duck under the canopy to get to open air. This seems a bit much for a freaked out bird. However, despite numerous sweeps and searches we never saw it again so he went somewhere ... The ground crew kept saying I was going crazy and had been seeing things. The captain stepped in fresh bird crap in the galley though, which seems to substantiate my claim.

Weird morning! I hope that ninja bird is okay, wherever he is!

plane insanity

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