Holiday Drabbly Bits! Happy Christmas to LUVSCHARLIE!

Dec 04, 2010 10:44

Title: The Rules of Christmas Gifting
Author: katmarajade
Holiday present for: luvscharlie
Pairing: Harry/Lavender
Rating: PG-13 (because Lavender is too sexy in even mundane circumstances to be PG)
Word count: 460
Prompt: stress

A loud shriek tore Harry from his latest dozing attempt at organizing the new Auror schedules. He threw aside the scribbled (and slightly drooled) upon parchments and leapt over the (rather worthless in Harry's opinion) rabbits, who were too busy gnawing at wilted veg to notice their caretaker's plaintive cries. Damn bunnies.

Reaching the kitchen in a very respectable 12 seconds, Harry did not see his fiancée covered in blood or missing a limb or being attacked by vicious burglars as her screams had indicated. Instead, she was glaring at a tagged, brown delivery owl like it had just delivered her a dead mouse. (Harry quickly checked around to make sure that wasn't the case-it wasn't).

Lavender seemed startled when she caught sight of Harry peering underneath the kitchen table in a desperate attempt to ascertain the cause of her fit. Then she promptly burst into tears, and he gave up looking and just pulled her into a tight hug. He made the quiet shushing sounds, just as she'd taught him, and stroked her long, blond hair.

"What on earth happened, love?" he asked.

Lavender continued to sniffle as she explained that the perfect Christmas gift she'd worked so hard to obtain for him on their first Christmas as a soon-to-be-married-couple had fallen through.

"And now it's Christmas Eve day and I have nothing to give you," she finished, her voice cracking a little at the end.

Harry tried not to laugh. "Lavender, love, it's going to be fine. You do realize that I didn't get gifts at all until I was eleven-pretty wrapped packages don't mean a whole hell of a lot to me. I've got plenty of stuff. I don't really need anything else. All I need is you. You're the best Christmas gift I could ever have asked for."

Lavender burst into a new bout of hysterics, but these seemed far less traumatized and much more like her teary fits at the end of rubbish romance films, so Harry felt somewhat better.

Sniffing a bit, Lavender reached up and swiped a hand across her face before looking up at him.

"That was the most beautiful thing you have ever said, Harry Potter." She gave him a tender smile that made his insides twist. Pushing up on stocking-footed tiptoe, she pressed her lips against his, her tongue dipping inside his mouth and twisting intimately with his own. Finally breaking the kiss, Lavender buried her face in the curve of Harry's neck, small puffs of hot-cold air tingling on his collarbone. They shared a quiet moment before she leaned back again and arched a perfect brow.

"Don't think for a second that you're using that logic to get out of buying me something pretty for Christmas though!"

char: hp: lavender brown, fandom: harry potter, holiday drabbly bits!, hdb 2010, fic, char: hp: harry potter, hp: harry/lavender

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