A Whole New Meaning To Being Closeted

Oct 26, 2010 00:01

Today was long. It was strange. It was somewhat comical.

♥ I forgot to pack socks for this trip. Which is no good, so after breakfast I trekked out into the rather unexciting hotel district of Tulsa in search of any store that might sell socks. After nearly getting run over by a dozen different cars as I walked along a rather un-pedestrian-friendly road, I finally found a big cowboy/horse/western store. Now I'm actually scared to pieces of horses, so the whole cowboy thing-- not for me! I felt very out of place and spent way too much money on heavy duty boot socks, which was all they had. Thank you, Tulsa.

♥ We have a closet in the galley of our plane where we store some of our bags, hang first class jackets, etc. I stashed a pair of crutches in there for a lady today. I went to pull them out, but they got stuck and I fell into the closet! It's big so I easily fit in there, but I looked completely ridiculous, fallen on my arse into a closet with my legs sticking out into the aisle so that I looked like the Wicked Witch of the East with better hosiery. (And sadly way boring-er shoes).

♥ Storms and winds and general jetstream insanity made it a really lousy day to fly. We got thrown around so much today! Stupid turbulence. We hit bumps on our descent into Omaha tonight that threw me all the way up off the ground-- my feet weren't even touching for a second there. Bumpy, bumpy, everywhere. And holy crazy jetstream. We were flying with a 160 knot headwind on our nose for a while somewhere over Colorado. That's like 185 mph!! Blowing us backwards. We fly at 400-500 mph which means we were barely moving (250 mph in a jet is damn slow). It took for- EV- ER to get anywhere today. Bah. Off to California tomorrow-- so long windy, crazy central US!

plane insanity, irl

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