A Chekov/Sulu Mini Fic

Feb 18, 2010 22:11

Title: One Hour in the Life of Pavel Andreievich
Author: katmarajade 
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. Sadly. 
Characters/Pairings: Sulu/Chekov
Word Count: 425
Author's Notes: written for the bonus round at st_respect  for Team Chulu.  Written in about 15 minutes in an unusual format.  You've been warned.  And yes, the title is a shameless play on Solzhenitsyn.
Summary: Chekov hates to leave the helm when Sulu's off ship.


One Hour in the Life of Pavel Andreievich

0829: Chekov has been at his station for six hours past his scheduled shift now. They're in orbit now, but Chekov hates to leave the helm when Sulu is off ship. It's against protocol for him to work this long. It's not particularly healthy either, but Spock decided to allow it. As Spock is acting captain when Kirk's off on this crazy mission with Sulu, no one dares comment about Chekov camping out on the Bridge. Though the crew respects Spock, even likes him, the image of Kirk in a choke grip won't be forgotten anytime soon.

0901: Kirk's blood pressure and heart rate skyrocket. Chekov frowns.

0905: Sulu, Baker, and Riley's heart rates now exceed Kirk's. Chekov reports this to Spock, who takes the news with a flick of an eyebrow.

0907: Baker's stats flash red and suddenly the screen is filled with one word: TERMINATED. Chekov runs his thumb across the spot on the screen where Sulu's stats should be. Spock calls down to Engineering to have Scotty prepare to beam up three.

0909: Scotty says he can't get a lock. Uhura tries to get a response from the away team.

0911: Riley and Sulu vanish from the screen. Chekov's heart stops and stutters back into a panicked cadence.

0912: Chekov realizes that no TERMINATED messages have appeared and frantically enters commands to locate the two Lieutenants. Kirk's stats are still too high. Spock argues with Scotty.

0919: Scotty yells over the speaker. It's mostly unintelligible, but they hear the page for Medical and Kirk's yelling in the background. Chekov jumps out of his seat, hands off the conn, and bolts to Engineering at a full sprint.

0923: Chekov sees Kirk rounding the corner holding a limp body with black hair. He lets out a strangled cry before realizing that it's Baker and keeps running.

0925: Chekov arrives in Engineering and looks around frantically.

0926: Chekov spies Sulu, his off planet suit ripped to shreds, which would explain the vanishing vitals reports, and a large burn on his shoulder. Chekov flings himself across two Ensigns to reach Sulu's side.

0927: Chekov kisses Sulu hard on the mouth. The whole Engineering room stares in shock.

0928: Finally breaking away, Chekov presses his fingers against the bare skin of Sulu's chest where the monitors in the suit should be. Sulu gapes at him.

0929: Sulu breaks into a dizzying grin. Chekov glares and says, "Welcome Back. You are never to leave me like that again."

I always love to hear what you thought!

char: st: hikaru sulu, fandom: star trek: aos/tos, st: chekov/sulu, fest: shipwars, fic, char: st: pavel chekov

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