Holiday Drabbly Bits Are Here!

Dec 08, 2014 08:29

Today marks the posting of the first of 20 gift fics that I have prepared for my lovely f-list! (At least, for those who requested them and prompted me!) I'm very excited to bring you

Katmarajade's Fifth Annual Holiday Drabbly Bits Extravaganza!

I have not yet decided whether posting will be daily as in the past or if I'll skip Sundays. It will most likely depend on how efficiently I am getting through the last few stories that aren't quite ready. But for now, sit back, relax, and enjoy! We've got a wide variety of characters and pairings for you this year! Although HP het was the dominant request (about half the stories), I've also got a couple femme stories (both of which I'm very excited about!), some slashy goodness, and some gen gems. The Trek stories are mixed in too, and there are a couple I'm particularly happy with.

As always, remember that these are the best I could do and that while I really hope you love your gift, there are no guarantees. I used your prompts (some I had to get extra prompts to help me through, because my muse was extra fickle this year) but it was just however I was inspired. Some of the stories are quite short, some are a bit longer, and that has NOTHING to do with who you are, just how much popped into my head while writing. And posting order is designed to keep pairings/fandoms/genres well mixed up, so last is definitely not least. So love for everyone involved, yes? Yes.

With that, let's start the fun! I'm opening this year's festivities with a brand new addition to my f-list, so a first year prompter, who's busy dealing with modding a major fest of her own and deserves a bit of Christmas shiny. (And for those of you who care about the stats, fear not. I'll definitely be back with a stats post later on once I finish the last few stories!)

ETA: As in the past, I will reply to your comment on the original prompting post telling you your gift is up, so you should get a notification!

love love love, pimpity pimp pimp pimp, holiday drabbly bits!

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