Pimping: poll for interest in a holiday slash/femme fest

Jun 03, 2014 12:59

All my HP friends who love to read/write/art for slash and/or femmeslash pairings, this is for you!

sassy-cat is gauging interest in a holiday slash exchange. Since hp-yule-balls ended, there has not been a major, multi-pairing, slash-specific holiday exchange that I'm aware of. There are great fests like smutty-Claus (het specific) and Kinky Kristmas (het/slash/femme/more) and various specific pairing fests, but for those of you who want an opportunity to write/receive gifts featuring George/Lee, Dean/Seamus, Angelina/Alicia, Daphne/Pansy, Percy/Oliver, Neville/Harry or ANY other combination, this is your chance!

go HERE to vote!

Those of you who know me know that I don't participate in fests around the winter holidays. Instead I do my own annual Holiday Drabbly Bits bonanza. I'm excited for my 5th year! New to me friends, it's gonna be GREAT and I can't wait to see you there. Old friends, I hope you come back for another round! I hope I can beat my old records for this big Year Five. :) Anyway, I won't be writing if this fest takes wing but I'll read and pimp and cheerlead and maybe beta if you guys play!

New fests can be scary and cause side eyes (hey, we've all been burned!), but sassy-cat is great, reliable, and fully aware of the commitment this kind of thing entails and ready to tackle it (along with some other willing helpers.) /pimp

pimpity pimp pimp pimp, fest fun

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