No Cinderella Here!

Mar 12, 2014 08:05

Well, the results of the first round of Hump Madness are in and I am out! The Drabble I was up against was a very different style (sexually explicit, emotionally complex, angsty ...) than mine (silly, funny, sexy innuendo, fluff) so I'm holding on to the belief (whether mistaken or not!) that hers was chosen as preference for the style and the content (which was good!) and not because it was better per se. Whatever makes me sleep better, huh? ;-) anyway, it was a good match up, the best one moved on, and I'm free to focus on Beholder! Because I scrapped my first attempt/idea and am on another one now with barely a thing written yet. SIGH.

Here's my Drabble!

Title: Lee's Fantastic Birthday Week: A George Weasley Creation
Author: katmarajade
Characters: Lee, George(s), OFC
Prompt: fantasy
Word Count: 464
Rating: R
Warnings: none

Lee gasped as he came, the sound washed away by the pounding waves and the whisper of wind in the palm trees above him. His companion winked down at him, her bikini-clad frame straddling him where they lounged on a wooden beach chair. The sun warmed his bare skin, only slightly blocked by her lithe frame. Letting his eyes flutter shut, he breathed in the tropical air, all sun and sea and salt blended with the coconut oil the gorgeous woman had been rubbing into his skin before she'd moved on to rubbing other, more important parts.

"Just relax, Lee. Let the ocean breeze take all your worries and just be free …" Lee took her advice and let her smooth, lilting voice lull him nearly to sleep.

"… and enjoy the honking seagulls, breathe in the rotting fruit smell, and really feel that sticky mess of sea salt and spunk you've got smeared all over your slippery torso."

Lee groaned. The relaxing entreaties of his lovely companion had been replaced by the taunting, sing-songing voice of his boyfriend. Cracking open one eye, he found himself lying on the hideous chartreuse sofa in their sitting room.

"So did you enjoy Day Five of Lee's Fantastic Birthday Week? How does it compare?" George asked eagerly, a knowing smirk on his face.

"It was definitely better than Days One and Three-I still don't know why you thought I'd actually enjoy riding a dragon or entering a pie-eating contest. Day Two would've been more successful if the giant tarantulas hadn't been magenta, and being Commentator at the Quidditch World Cup yesterday was bloody brilliant. But today's was really damn good."

"Wait until tomorrow! It's my best one yet!"

"Better than getting tossed off on a beach by a hot girl with coconut oil?"

"Oh, yeah," George said, giving him that sexy, steamy, scheming smile that always made Lee's heart lurch about uncomfortably.

The next day Lee relaxed into George's sixth specially-designed Daydream Charm. When he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by scantily clad Georges. (Only George would be cocky enough to assume that he would be Lee's ultimate fantasy.) A half dozen smirking, freckly Georges wearing snug, tiny, brightly-coloured pants descended on him, licking, biting, teasing, toying.

Number One traced two callused fingers along the soft inner line of Lee's thigh while Number Three nibbled his toes.

"The more of me the merrier, eh?" winked Number Four.

Number Five licked playfully at the shell of his ear, and whispered, "Admit it. This is better than anything you could have imagined."

As the Georges focused their attention on every one of his most sensitive spots, Lee had to agree that George, the real one, his George, had been right.

This was definitely the best one yet.

char: hp: lee jordan, fandom: harry potter, hp: george/lee, char: hp: george weasley, fic, fest: hump madness

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