Title: Airborne Apologies
katmarajadeWritten for:
thimble-kissPairing: Zacharias/Mandy Brocklehurst
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 844
Prompt: serving detention in December
Summary: Mandy was furious that she had to serve detention for the first time ever and it was all Zach's fault!
Notes: Lovely
thimble-kiss, I tried to write this as a part of your Zach/Mandy 'verse, but
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*flops around in a dizzy swoon*
Oh darlin', I don't know how you did it from that one little fic I have of them, but you nailed her, down to her neurotic punctuality, the goody-two-shoes horror at having to serve detention, the huffy temper, and her awful, melting weakness for Zach. :) :) :) And Zach is of course wonderful, too, with his stubborn bravado and his determinations to set things right! This is so adorable and charming and I'm just a melty puddle over the two of them! Snarky friends with the hint of something more brewing under it, so lovely! ♥
I laughed out loud at Zach's calculated charm offensive at Mrs Brocklehurst via the raisin biscuits. Loved Mandy's snide thoughts about that - just perfect. And Zach had enlisted Justin to distract Professor Sprout, hadn't he? Very resourceful of him, and I approve. :D You know, this is probably the only Zach/Mandy fic that I will ever get to read without writing it myself, and I can't thank you enough. I love this pairing so freaking much and this is just perfect in every detail and I adore it! I can't wait to show it to my rp'ing partner in crime! *tacklehugs* Merry Christmas, you drabbly angel you!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
This comment was about the most day brightening thing ever! Thank you! (All your squee-filled comments lately have been making me bounce with joy!) I'm so glad that she fit with your characterization! I read your fic a few times and you'd given me a few notes on her. It's amazing how much characterization you can fit even in a shorter fic like yours. There was a lot to work with. Plus there was just general knowledge of YOU and we tend to like similar sorts of characters, which is a great help, because I can get in a head like Mandy's a lot more easily than I can get into ... say, most brash, charismatic, extroverted Gryffindor types.
And smitten Zach is one I'm good at! So he was easy for me here and then he insisted on doing this all on a broom, which actually made things more entertaining. He totally enlisted Justin! I approve, too.
I'm so glad you got your sweet pairing this round and that it's made you so happy. That, in turn, just delights me! I'm so glad it fit your head canon and you liked it so much! YAY!
your drabbly angel! (hehe-- I like it!)
Hah, that is so true though. As I just said elsewhere, we are so on the same wavelength. And you got into Mandy's head beautifully (you're a Ravenclaw, too, aren't you?) I can write Gryffindors when the mood strikes me, but they're like these very cool and heroic aliens that I'm writing about. Well, except for Hermione, who is probably half Ravenclaw anyway. :)
Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff for the win! Oh, and apropos, I wanted to tell you! My rpg partner Anise (the Zach to my Mandy) adored this, too. :D
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