Merry Christmas, AIGOOISM!

Dec 14, 2013 08:40

Title: A New Legend
Author: katmarajade
Written for: aigooism
Pairing: George/Draco (though it's really more friendship than pairing, actually)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1178
Prompt: video games
Summary: Draco goes to Grimmauld Place for a family heirloom and discovers a new obsession.
Notes: I know almost NOTHING about video games of any kind. Zelda-playing-Husband read through this and declared it free of glaring problems, but all remaining errors are entirely my own. The game referenced here is the Nintendo 64 Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I've never played the game and my only knowledge comes from Wikipedia and various Zelda fansites. I hope I've done it justice! Also, the description of the game comes word for word from the online description off Credit where credit is due and all.

There was no one on the planet who could guilt trip as well as Draco’s mother. After nearly a month of trying, he finally surrendered; there was really nothing for it. For some reason, she had her heart set on a candelabra that had belonged to her grandmother. Draco was not entirely sure what had brought about this sudden need to commune with family heirlooms that she hadn’t seen in twenty-five years, but whatever it was, it was not worth the headache of her constant badgering.

Unfortunately, the damn candelabra was still at her grandmother’s house, which now belonged to none other than Harry Bloody Potter. Sighing deeply, Draco pulled out his best quill and penned the most direct, polite letter possible asking if he could retrieve an important family heirloom from Grimmauld Place for the sake of his ailing mother. (Well, she could be ailing, perhaps. Just last week he’d seen several children with snotty noses, which meant there was always the possibility of a nasty cold making its way into immaculately clean Malfoy Manor and infecting its obsessively clean mistress.)

Luckily, Potter was nothing if not a predictable sucker and cheerfully wrote back that Draco was welcome at any time to come look for his candelabra and Potter would set the wards to allow him in. It seemed that despite owning a large, impressive home, Potter didn’t deem it worthy of actual living. He was residing somewhere called Godric’s Hollow and Grimmauld Place had been resigned to an occasional stopover point for Potter’s overly large network of friends and Weasleys.

Taking a deep breath, Draco knocked at the front door. When no one answered, he gingerly opened the door.

“Anyone here?” he called. There was a faint sound like the wireless from somewhere in the house, but other than that he heard nothing to indicate anyone was there.

“No! No! Nooooo!” a voice shouted and Draco dashed towards the sound, wand at the ready. Expecting a fight or someone collapsed on the floor, Draco was a bit confused at the sight of George Weasley lounging on a sofa shaking a strangely shaped grey bit at what Draco was pretty sure was a television set. (It was much larger and fancier looking than the versions they'd displayed in Muggle Studies class.)

"What in the bloody hell are you shouting about, Weasley," Draco huffed, feeling mildly stupid for having run through the halls with his wand out like a Gryffindor with a hero complex or some such rot.

Looking up, George scrunched his ginger eyebrows in confusion. "Malfoy?"

"Indeed. I had heard that those Muggle devices fry your brain and I suppose this qualifies as proof."

Rolling his eyes, George unwound another grey thing and tossed it at Draco, who caught it with the skill of a Seeker before staring at it blankly.

"This is called Nintendo Six Four. Hermione's parents bought it for us all at Christmas. Brilliant, actually."

"It looks rather stupid," Draco sniffed, turning the grey bit over in his hands and examining all the strange buttons with letters and numbers and various runes.

"There are loads of games but I'm playing something called the Legend of Zelda, which is ace."

"Legend of Zelda? It even sounds stupid."

"Right, well, you use your controller-that thing in your hand-to control your character, in this case he's called Link. Then there are all manner of quests and things that you have to face and ultimately save the planet."

At Draco's disbelieving look, George threw him the case that had a picture of a cartoon boy with giant blue eyes, a silly green outfit, and an enormous sword. Draco turned it over and read the back.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
Solve the Mystery of Majora's Mask and Stop the Moon from Crashing into Termina.
Thrown into a parallel world by the mischievous actions of a possessed Skull Kid, Link finds a land in grave danger. The dark power of a relic called Majora's Mask has wreaked havoc on the citizens of Termina, but their most urgent problem is a suicidal moon crashing toward the world. Link has only 72 hours to find a way to stop its descent.

"How can a moon be suicidal? That's just nonsense? Have these people never studied astronomy in … whatsicalled … Termina?"

"Dunno," George shrugged. He had started his game back up and Draco watched intently as George pressed buttons on the controller and made a strange looking brown and green thing wander through an underground labyrinth.

"I thought you said you were this bloke on the cover. What's with the bowtruckle?"

"Well, it seems they call bowtruckles Deku Scrubs in this game."

"Well, that seems silly. Why don't they just call them bowtruckles? And why are you going in circles in that cave. No, you already went that way. Go left!"

"I have to get out of this cave and find the Happy Mask Salesman."

"Your bowtruckle needs a happy mask?"

"He can turn me back to normal so I don't have to go around as this bowtruck-deku scrub anymore."

"You just really like being a biped?"

"I like using my sword!" said George, giving Draco a mischievous look.

"Swords? That does sound more interesting. Oh, watch out!"

"I see it, I see it!"

It took Draco two weeks of "searching for his Grandmother's candelabra" to save Termina from a moon that did, for some crazy reason, seem suicidal. George managed it a full day earlier, but Draco insisted that his previous experience gave him the advantage.

Three days away from George and video games and Draco was going mad, cooped up in his house with no laughing gingers or heroic quests.

On the fourth day, he walked into Grimmauld Place after a cursory knock, no longer feeling a need to wait politely for George to ignore the door.

"Draco?" George stood in the foyer, apparently actually capable of answering a door like a proper gentleman. Startled, Draco fumbled with the box in his arms.

"I, er, I looked into more Zelda games for the Six Four, but apparently they are planning on changing their equipment and the new version's not out yet. So I bought a PlayStation2 instead, if you're interested. And a game called Final Fantasy X. Bloke at the Muggle Store down the street insisted I'd love it, so we'll see, yeah?"

"Yeah, let's see," said George, giving Draco a wide grin. "I call going first!"

"What? You don't get to go first. I bought the damn thing. I get to go first this time! You started the last one a full day earlier than I did, so it wasn't quite fair, was it?"

"Oh, it was only a few hours. Stop your whinging and accept your defeat like a man."

"Never!" exclaimed Draco, grabbing the case away from George. "I am going to master this one first and there's nothing you can do about it."

The friendly bickering continued as they disappeared down the corridor to try out their new toy.

hdb 2013, char: hp: draco malfoy, fic, hp: draco/george, genfic, fandom: harry potter, holiday drabbly bits!, char: hp: george weasley

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