Jul 02, 2010 19:45
Ahoy, mateys. Summer is in full swing now that my brain-twin Alissa is back in the states :B I hath missed her greatly, and her sassy presence is much appreciated. (if she wishes to give me sassy presents, I will accept those gladly :B) Nothing of note has actually transpired between my last update and now. My adventures have included swimming and going up to Santa Cruz last weekend. Apparently I'll be employed at the end of July, but I'm frankly not crossing my fingers. Schwoops. I'm not exactly motivated....And by not exactly I really mean not at all. My lack of ambition is probably my greatest downfall. Ah well. I'll work on that eventually. Come Germany I'mma have a reality check and have to actually kick my ass into gear. Though not literally, because I don't think I can physically do that. At least not with much oomph.
But guess what! During a typico dinner convo with Petrelli and the Faj, we came to the brillo decision that I should become a bartender after school, if only for a while and to appear badass and make oodles of monies :D I mean, I like drinking and I like meeting and talking to people. So really its the only career option I have at the moment. Maybe I'll even be a bartender in Germany someday?! Who knows, but at the very least I could at least feed and clothe myself after school with a bartending gig. :) I'm actually really excited about the prospect and have been looking into it. If I want tot work in CA or OR I have to be 21 to get my license, so that's what will do. So come graduation I'm going to enroll myself in bartending school! Wheeee!
Just..don't tell my mom.
p.s. last fm is quite possibly very cool.