Jun 13, 2008 15:48
Apparently "everyone should blog" so I'm going to give it a try again.
thewagster's blog should give some kind of context for what the "news" has been lately. It's hard to start blogging with no context unless you have a specific purpose like" here I'm going to explore my ongoing theological musings" or "this is where I rant about ..." whatever. I have neither of these nor anything like them.
I have started this post 4 or 5 times in the last week or so, and I am committed to finishing it today, even if I end up saying nothing.
We are completing our first year of marriage in the next couple days, so I am going to post again soon with some reflections on that.
I've read/watched a few things lately that have really elevated the amount of tension I am feeling in my life about the need to make some drastic changes, although exactly which changes need to be made is not quite clear to me yet. Or, rather, exactly how to change them. Basically, I know what things I need to stop doing, but I'm not sure what to do in their place. Or, I know what I need to start, I'm just not sure exactly how to set my life up to fit it in, things like that.
Some of the things are:
thestoryofstuff.com & William McDonough are making me want to get rid of all the stuff I have and replace them with good things. Only, you can't get good things anywhere. Dilemma.
Also, trying to balance living in the country with not driving. Seemingly impossible at this point.
Also trying to figure out how to start a family on one income so that the children have parents who give them care instead of "caregivers" and so they don't have to go to school. We have a little time to work on this one.
Also, need to be of service to humanity. I know this can be done. I don't know how to arrange things in my life and person so that I am able to make a priority of it. I will figure this out.
Ta Ta For Now. Thanks for listening.
PS, in other news, my job is going much better nowadays. I have adjusted, and I think people have adjusted to me. I always forget how long that takes and what a difference it makes.