
Jan 17, 2010 03:23

I haven't had one of those in awhile, but I had a pretty bad one this morning... or rather yesterday morning now ( Read more... )

nightmare, dream, 2012, nightmares, bad dreams, dreams

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sarineochaos January 17 2010, 18:27:12 UTC
*hug* I had a very vivid dream like this before. Where Pikes Peak (Colorado Springs sits right at the base of it) exploded with magma and filled the sky with smoke, then small eruptions like magma geysers started blasting out of the ground one by one. Then the sky was full of helicopters moments later (like the government was already prepared and saw this coming, but didn't let us know) dropping water onto the city to try and put the fires out and stop the magma. This was one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had in my life. That, and a dream I had when I was a kid over in Germany, and the playground outside our apartment complex started gushing magma, and I ran to the roof of the apartment complex all by myself and watched the magma rise and rise for miles and miles and I finally woke up before it swallowed up the whole building. @__@;; Those dreams are no fun...

But honestly, you have nothing to worry about. The whole 2012 thing, as you probably know, it completely based off the idea that the Mayan calendar, which has yet to be wrong about predicting events, ends on December 21, 2012. Most predict this as the "end of days," as you say. In truth, this was when the Mayan creation god would visit them once again and start everything anew. It was a positive thing, not a negative. The world would become a better place. We're not going to have a second ice age; we're not going to die from a solar flare (stupid 2012 movie with no plot...); and we're definitely not going to die from the earth's polar ends switching and sending the earth's rotation in the other direction, causing HUGE tidal waves that'll drown us all. It was written that 2012 is just another mile marker used by humans to create another "rave" like they did with Y2K.

Honestly, my mom and I think that 2012 will be the day the aliens come to earth and do SOMETHING. Not sure, but it'll be something. There are already theories that aliens helped the Egyptians build the pyramids, and the Mayans build their temples. Many think that there's no way those ancient civilizations could have been as advanced as they were without a little help from an extraterrestrial source. *nod* Perhaps the Mayans saw the aliens as their gods, and in 2012, the "creation god" will return to change the world forever.

To be honest, we shouldn't be afraid of 2012 any less than we should be afraid of every damn second of our lives. I'll have those intense moments once in a while where I think "Wow...I could die any second, be it from an unforeseen brain aneurysm, someone breaks into our house and shoots us up, or maybe some debris from an airplane could accidentally fall from the sky and crush me." One of the best mantras, I think, is to live every day as if it were your last. Because death is ALL around us, every waking second of every single day. We should be grateful for each day we go through without dying. Every second could be our last. So if 2012 really IS the end, and the government IS lying to us, I'm grateful for it. Because it means I know when my time will be up, and I can more strongly appreciate the time I have left. A lot of people disagree, and say they'd rather not know how much time they have left to live. I think it's better that way, because then you can do what you want with the time you have left, and not feel regret after you're dead. You have all that time to appreciate and say good bye to your loved ones, and it's not an instant loss that no one saw coming., okay. I should probably stop this whole death talk now. X3;; Don't wanna freak you out. But just try not to think about it, okay? Most likely, it's just another hype. All we have to worry about is the Secret. Because if people DO keep taking it as a negative event, it WILL be something terrible. We all have to think positive, and something good will happen when the time comes. *nod* So no more negative thoughts being fed to the universe! It will respond and send us something negative.


katkitoshi January 18 2010, 01:02:02 UTC
*hugs* I swear you always know just what to say XD. That's what I heard too, that it's just when their calendar ends, and that something amazing will happen. But people always tend to translate amazing into OMG FUCKING EPIC DOOM!!!!

I'm also still pretty iffy about Haley's comet hitting us. I think the moon would sooner take a hit before we do XD.

And I guess you're right about knowing to have more incentive. But its such a scary thought knowing when. For instance, if it is gonna happen in 2 years, I have 2 years to have me a baby! @__@ I WANT ONE!!! but prepared I am not T_T. Maybe I should at least try to get my own place if anything @_@. Don't want to end my life never knowing the sweet release and stress of living alone XD


sarineochaos January 18 2010, 02:21:56 UTC
That reminds me, my dad's thinking of getting me a house up the street. Like, I'd pay the mortgage and all that. O__o But I can't do that unless I have a room mate to help with and two others popped into my head instantly. Sooo if you ever decide you DO want to escape, and it happens that my dad gets that house...know that living with me is an option for ya. XD

As for having a baby...yeah, I wanted one, too. But if the world IS gonna end, do you want to bring a child into this world just to have it destroyed before it can really live? O.o My thought is, wait until AFTER 2012. XD That way, if we're all still here, you can sigh in relief, then pop out a kid. XD~~~ Yum yum.


katkitoshi January 19 2010, 16:51:00 UTC
Yeah you're right o_o... I don't want my munchkin obliterated T_T. I wants to see it grow!!! D= ........... I REALLY hope nothing happens...

oooh house o.o...when is he thinking of getting it for you? It's so tremendously tempting... *flails*. I really do wanna get away, and yet I don't want to leave the city where everything is a stone's throw away by train.. and yet I wanna leave cause I've been here forever XD and a change of pace would do me good.. and yet.. GAH *flails* me am torn!


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