(no subject)

Aug 09, 2011 20:22

I'm following the riots on twitter - looks like the looting is starting in Manchester, reports of gangs in Market Street and Cathedral Street with masked people congregating outside the Arndale Centre.

So, Manchester sends it's a proportion of it's police force to London, and now it looks like Manchester is in trouble...this is crazy.


Yet, there is still humour. I like the soundbite from Waterstone's employee on the news though: "We'll stay open, if they steal some books they might learn something". Actually, the thought of books burning is quite distressing :/

Planking during in front of riot police - half funny, half 'you moron'

Early closing sign at Subway - "Due to the imminent collapse of society..."

Imminent collapse of society indeed...what is happening to my country? This is no longer a protest, just destruction of people's homes and livelihoods. It's so stupid.

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