(no subject)

Apr 11, 2009 10:16

1. Inspired by the 8 days of happy meme. Tell me something good about your day.

2. New Doctor Who today!! And I'm currently listen to David Tennant and Catherine Tate presenting Jonathan Ross's show on Radio 2 It's delightfully cheesy. They just played Happy Hour by the Housemartins ♥

3. My mum is a whodunnit addict (I was about to type 'whodunnit whore' then, calling my mum a whore = so wrong!) and she's got me watching Criminal Minds. This show truly disturbs me. I don't normally like shows that unsettle me. So why do I like it so much?! I'm also strangely fascinated by the way Matthew Gray Gubler voice and the way he speaks. I've never heard anything like it, yet reminds me of someone else.

4. I've been totally blown away with the art for hd_worldcup, not only for the drawings which are impressive enough, but the artists have really taken storytelling through art to the next level. Highly recommending some of my favourites, even if you don't like Harry Potter.

Accidents Will Happen by chibitoaster
The First Day Of Spring by reira_21
Et Lux in Tenebris lucet by mayflo

5. I've been tagged by littledrop -

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

This is really hard!! I can't really talk about art in general, and when I choose an icon it's normally as a result of an emotional reaction when I clap eyes on it, which I find difficult to explain in words.

by boundary

I got this icon in a hunt for non-fandom icons very recently. These days I tend to use LJ equally for fandom and keeping connected with people who I consider friends. I was fairly slow on the uptake that I didn't really have any appropriate icons for non-fandom posts, though. Ironically, I think I've only ever used this icon once and it was on a comment to a heart-wrenching HP fic. I'm glad though, because even though I like it, I don't really want to be using it to often to make posts or comments.

I like the bright figure, which draws your eye, and the plain background because I think when you're sad, you do feel incredibly isolated and the only focus you have is the grief. I think this icons captures what feeling unhappy feels like.

by daquien

I like the colouring of this icon, which is really cheering, and I like the sense of freedom the picture evokes. It also reminds me of the last scene in Green Wing when Caroline flys away. She's resistant to it, but I think as the most down-to-earth, responsible character it's just what she needs. I was unhappy with the ending when I first saw it, but the more I think about it, it's kind of perfect.

- art by wicked witch

This is one of my oldest icons, and it still makes it smile. Brattiness just really amuses me. Since it's my default more often than not, it's gradually become less and less an 'HP' icon and more a general icon.

- animation by Nick Parks

I think Nick Parks is a good old eccentric genius that makes the world a better place. I like that he doesn't ignore the horrible, but gets through it with humour. And I'm oddly comforting to know that shit happens even to Shaun, the nicest sheep in the world.

by prootage

Mwahahaha!! This icons sort of does what it says on the tin, really, but it's rarely used. I like the idea of being deliciously evil, but at heart I'm too worried about the uncomfortable consequences :D

6. I've just seen the new trailer for HBP. I may have to watch this one. Damn it!
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