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Jan 06, 2009 19:52

Anyone else just spent an hour or so reading their old entries and comment conservations?

Wow, I use to be chatty and fairly random - but also a university student who wasn't too conscientious with her studies and spent a lot of time thinking about Lex Luthor breathing (my icon of Lex breathing! *morns* Lost in the great computer crash of 2004) when he's not exclaiming 'Is that it?!' after bad sex with Clark (I will always have a soft spot for Crap!Clark) or wondering how to get rid of a dead body (why did I have a poll?!), and hating Draco Malfoy's hat. Lord. I hated that furry monstrosity! And I think I've just grossed myself out re-reading a comment conversation about Harry/Dumbledore and wrinkle licking with perclexed. Oh God. Wrinkle Licking?!?!

And it's suddenly hit me how much I really, really, really miss diluvian, she was such a big part in my LJ life and we had some wonderful conversations in comments. I'm glad I've backed up my journal now, if just to keep those.

I should make more time to re-read not only my own entries and remind myself of my bosses dream involving a bathtub of milk and a straw, but the hundred or so memories I've got bookmarked, particularly the meta, although I expect half of them to have vanished or now locked *weeps*
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