More cake!

Aug 08, 2006 00:36

Friday was another day at the Savour School of filthy filthy cake and chocolate. We did three french style gateaux in 9 hours. Unfortunately i was a little ill over the weekend so didnt get a chance to taste anything until last night. Luckily they all taste fantastic! I took the rest of the cakes to the office where everything was devoured instantly by the small group of dedicated eClinic cake connoisseurs.

Monte Christo
Light almond sponge with raspberry mousse and basil pyramids.

Hazelnut daquoise with chocolate mousse, caramel creme brulee and praline mousse.

Coco Passion
Coconut dacquoise, creme pineapple, coconut mousee, pineapple compote and white chocolate glaze.

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