The Obligatory Hobbit Rant

Nov 14, 2012 08:04

I know that there's been a lot of talk about "The Hobbit", but I figured I might as well pitch in my two cents/knuts/(insert coins of choice)...

The Dwarves
What do we know about him in the book? Plays the violin, has a blue beard. 
In the films? Looks like he plays the e-guitar, has a definitely not blue beard.
Gives off Santa vibes.
Has no beard. A dwarf without a beard is like... a dwarf without a beard.
Is at least close to having a "yellow" beard.
Apart from his hairstyle (the last time I saw that many braids was in Hunger Games) the promo description doesn't seem to go against his character.
Is suddenly a crook with a star-shaped haircut. Yeah.
They got the gray hood right! 
Is apparently the reason for the word "ointment". Subtle. 
Is apparently the reason for the word "glointment". Nothing too egregious.
Has an axe in his head.

You'd think Bilbo would've noticed that one of his guests and travel companions had a great freaking axe in his skull.
Pippi Longstocking braids. Odd hat. Bilbo had some serious Weirdness Censor.
I'll stop picking on the beards when they stop making them easy targets. Bombur's beard looks like a lei.
Sexy dwarves ahoy! ... I'll have to wait for the movie to say anything more.

Of course, in a movie it's better to make them distinguishable, but I just can't get over Bifur Axe-in-the-face.

She's pretty fashionable to hate at the moment, isn't she? Female OC with the borderline-cliché name of Tauriel, "woodland daughter", mastered every weapon, described as "lethal and deadly", possible romance with canon character.
If she's not a Mary Sue parody, then I weep for canon.
She's gonna spawn badfic no matter if she is a Sue or not, though. "Peter Jackson inserted a beautiful elf in the movies so I can do so too." Not that Suethors needed any excuses, but she'll be their top argument now.
But as before - I'll wait for the movie. Maybe it's just PJ trolling us. Maybe she's got one single scene in the whole movie. ...Hey, a girl's gotta hope.

That Picture

That Picture. That Picture.
It looks like the two of them are going to do a Thingol and Melian, only with the gender reversed.
You do not mess with canon that way. Elves marry for life, for Eru's sake! 
I know, I know, wait for the movies, out of context this might look wrong, but look at his face! Look at where her hand is! That's gonna need a whole lot of context to make that look like anything else than what it's looking like right now.

That's about it for now, I'm done with venting... sorry for any formatting weirdness, just getting used to lj.

do not want, rant, lord of the rings, gandalf/galadriel, dwarves, department of redundancy department, the hobbit

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