Feb 28, 2005 16:33
Yo homes-
So this weekend was pretty great. Friday went w/sarah to this basketball game witch was gay.Then we got into a fight..but don;t u worry we are all better know! Then on saturday i went to the movies w/justine, sarah and this girl linda(shes friends w/justine) Yeah that was pretty fun, me and justine laugh sooo much when we are around each other, its quite sad. We will laugh at anything...seriously..sad but so true. Yeah we saw the movie cursed.yeah stupied movie ever i only jumped around 5 times and i laughted the most. OK so there was these girls that where right in fount of us, they where the true defenation of sluts. Seriously, i always joke about sluts, but they truly where.So i go to the bathroom k..then i come back and the movie theater, and i forgot my glasses, then to add on its all dark.So i forgot what alle we where on so...i just picked one..turnes out it was the wrong alle. And i went down the sluts alle. So justine was like katherine katherine im over her as i was about to sit down by a complet stanger. I just couldn't stop laughing..i felt very stupied there. tHEN we where all done w/the movies then we took everyone home..then we went to frans bakery.THEN i came home and around 6 went to nicks concert.Witch was really fun to hang out w/him. And i never knew any of his friends so it was nice to meet all of them, i think they all liked me because they where all talking to me.So yeah i really hope they don't hate me like zacks friends did that would just succckkk. Then after the show we went back to nicks house w/all his band mates and droped off all the stuff then i met his mom and step dad and they seam really nice! tHEn we all went to Shari's with everyone. Witch was quite fun. One of nicks friends chris he drank a whole coffee cup of katchup!! OMFG it was sick i had to leave. He was going to throw up but he never did..i don't think. Then i went home. Yeah nick is fricken great i have such a fun time w/that kid. And all of his friends seem pretty grand too. Yep then Sunday i didn't do anything execpt home work..ek it was gay..homework sucks. Then today was alright it really wasn't my faviote nothing really happend EXECPT for me telling ryan that alicia was going out w/a 38 year old married guy. And they all ready had sex and he BELIVED me omg hes so gullable(sp?) It was funny. THEN he took my slurpy because i was mean. Yeah that wasn't very nice of him. But don't u worry ill get him back for doing that. Hmm well thats about it at this time..ill update when i feel like it homes..