
Jul 15, 2009 12:29

For the past few nights I've been having dreams of my mom.

The first one was at an outdoor movie theater. I went to get something from a concession stand. I had to go up a flight of stairs to get to the VIP concession stand. When I came back to where my mom was sitting, I said some type of colliqualism that we had, I can't remember what it was, and she looked up at me and started tearing up. I kept asking her what was wrong, and then I woke up.

The second one was with both my mom and dad. I was living in a house with Aileen and Lindsey and in our living room we had a lobster tank, the kind that they have at Red Lobster, and it smelled like seafood in the living room and the tank looked like it hadn't been cleaned in weeks and the lobsters were malting their shells (except one of them was cool b/c it was an albino lobster). But my parents came to come visit me. And we went out to grab something to eat  and when we came back they had replaced the television in my living room, the one that I currently have in my living room, with a large flat screen television. And in my bedroom they had put a smaller flat screen television in my bedroom. And they asked me if I liked it. And one part of me loved it, and the other thought that I didn't need any of this stuff. But I loved the gesture. I miss those gestures. Dad tries to replicate them, but they're not the same. They aren't in typical mom fashion.

I think I'm missing mom lately a lot b/c she was the one that I'd go to about my feeling and emotions, and now even though I almost have some type of support system to talk about my emotions, it's not the same as her.

I want my mommy.


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