Nov 10, 2007 08:59
Theres a certain something in the air that makes me happy this time of the year! I really do think its CHRISTMAS! :] I am so excited!
Then soon after thanksgiving and christmas and new years comes my BIRTHDAY! My big 1-8! I am kind of sad though... I wish I could still be 14. I remember when I couldnt wait for my restricted.. then my lisence.. couldnt wait for highschool. Things just seem a little less amusing nowadays lol but CHRISTMAS will always have my heart.
Last night I didnt go out because I didnt feel good :[ I think I took way too much medicine. I rarely take medicine for headaches, but yesterday my head hurt so much that I took like 4 Ibeprofins that were like 200 mg each. So of course..with 800mg of asprin in my system I was bound to get sickypoo so I went home, threw all that up and went to bed. There goes my friday but thats okay bc todays saturday and theres no school on mondaaay!!!
I am going to send in my application to UCF as well. I dont know if I could get in, but if I do I will defiently go there. Orlando LOVE. I spoke to my parents and they agreed to let me leave if I wanted to :] Plus, orlandos not to far. I probobly wont get in though, so FIU HERE I COME! lol
OMG WHICH REMINDS ME... Some dumb bitch at the SATS last weekend.
ME "So what colleges are you applying to?"
NERD "I am applying to like 12 colleges... Princton Cambridge.. you know.. What about you?"
ME "Maybe just FIU"
NERD "Why are you even taking the SAT's then? All you need to know how to do is write your name to get in that school"
I wanted to slap her lol Stupid bitch nerds.
Thats why no one likes you and you sit home cutting your veins and masturbating all night, everyday of your lives!
Not that I have gotten any in a long time or anything... lmao :[ *cries*