hebei has shown me preview pictures of her Sim tiny house, which I think looks much cooler than mine. However, she'll share if she wants to share; this is my journal, so you'll get the next check-in on the Pershings and their continuing challenge to raise five children to adulthood in their cramped conditions.
So as you all may recall, when last we heard from Dysart and Deborah, they had just welcomed their first child, Daisy, into the world. These days, Daisy is no longer a wee baby, but a healthy little girl. Her first birthday was spent appropriated; her mother dumped her into the garden of daisies that surround the house and kinda...walked off.
But hey, uh, didn't bother Daisy any. I think she was happy to be out of the tiny house and somewhere her aging up magic could take effect. She'll have a party for her toddler transition to childhood.
...FUCK. She has one of THOSE Sim faces. She's probably gonna grow up to be like one of my awkward looking Sim families-- WHICH WASN'T THE GOAL THIS TIME. Oh well. She's the apple of both Dysart and Deborah's eyes. They've each been taking turns teaching her the skills she needs to learn- Deborah handles the "learning to walk", Dysart handles "teach to talk", and both help out with potty training.
As you can see, Dysart makes it a point to teach her about the values of the Pershing family.
Truly, she is their daughter.
For the most part, they've been supportive of one another in their teaching, but there was one...incident. Deborah was asked to stop teaching Daisy to walk so that Dysart might teach her to talk.
Deborah did not like this. She pulled a wrench out and started waving it around at any rate. Maybe this is why Dysart is so unhappy all the time; domestic violence is enough to turn even the hardest Brit sour.
"Oh, Honey. I believe I was teaching our child."
But don't worry! Despite the marital strain put on the family by wrenches and tiny living spaces, Daisy managed to pull through and learn everything in time to grow into a child!
...hanging out in the garden while mom talks on the cellphone is just as good as a birthday party, right?
Whatever, mom! Daisy's aging up into a-...
Oh dear.
Well, I said she had one of those faces. Somehow I knew she would turn out awkward looking. Maybe the damage isn't too bad.
On second thought, maybe it's not only Dysart who gets the wrench beatings from Deborah. At least she doesn't always look so...uhm...unwell. She's quite capable of looking like a normal little girl, although she's always lonely. ALWAYS. I can throw a billion conversations or hugs her way and she still cries about it. Children.
"Remember, darling-- ASTRONAUTS."
She's made only one friend in school. ONE. However, I allow Daisy this friend because his name is Dmitri and if they should grow up and marry, it will be acceptable. Marriage is way off in the future, though. Right now they just run around like Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys and solve their kiddie mysteries.
A ginger and a Ruskie. High hopes, I have them.
There is good news for the Pershings in general as well. Deborah has once again mysteriously found herself impregnated against all odds. Too bad Daisy was at school and Dysart at work. Who will she share this good news with?
I know! How about the neighbors? :D
We still look through their windows and peek in on them. Why, we just caught Odin with his mistress the other night. They're the perfect folks to share in the joy!
Silly Odin. As if we'd give you your privacy.
So Deborah waddled across the street to meet Odin Crosby. Sure, her husband doesn't like him, but who does Dysart like? He's always so frowny. Surely Odin isn't so bad.
See? He's sociable enough to let Deborah in despite his spat with her husband. What a nice man. Let him know about your baby-on-the-way, Deborah.
He thinks you're ok, Deborah! Just mention the little one and I'm sure he'll be beside himself with-
Oops. Guess he still hates kids. You bore him now, Deborah. Too bad she takes children just as seriously as her husband, if not more so. Actually, it's definitely more so, as she didn't let Odin walk away from the conversation with that. Oh, no. She went on to insult his mother and his house.
Haha. Oh, the hormonal mood swings when you're pregnant. Odin was having none of it and laid the rules out.
...so Deborah declared him her enemy and ran off to the hospital to give birth. TAKE THAT, ODIN CROSBY.
What was once a three family household now has become a four family household. Daughter Delilah has now joined the ranks. Three more children and the dream comes true! How will Delilah turn out? Only time can tell. And what of the continuing saga of Daisy? Will Deborah wail on anyone else with a wrench? Will the Pershings just break into the Crosby house and steal from Odin and Heather? ALL THIS AND MORE IN THE NEXT THRILLING SIMS 3 UPDATE.
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