Okay. So here's my grand idea. I'm going to start posting passages from HBP that have overtly slashy subtext. I may actually let you read some of my embarassingly bad stuff and do some drabbles and give the passages my own ending. But it will all be based off of cannon. If I get any sort of response [read: at all], I may just go back and do it to the other books as well. Sounds like a fun project, right? Well, here is passage number one taken from page 150 of JKR's HBP. It's actually Draco speaking here:
"Potter, precious Potter, obviously he wanted a look at 'the Chosen One,'" sneered Malfoy, "but that Weasley girl! What's so special about her?"
Yep. We're doing a short one today, but you heard right folks. He called our Harry precious, and insulted Ginny. Jealous much? I think it's obvious what Malfoy's true feelings are on the subject of one Harry J. Potter. Heh.
Also, I am really inept when it comes to computers. I don't know how to do that super nifty "behind the cut" clicky thing. I mean, I don't even have an icon. Really, I don't know why they let me have and lj. But anyway, if anyone can tell me how to do that great link clicky thing, my postings will be much happier, and so will I. Thanks everybody!
windsorblue taught me some new tricks! Thanks, babe!