Rolling along

Oct 24, 2010 15:12

It's been a couple of months since I started Derby. I missed most of September and October due to travel but managed to skate at least weekly for most of that time. I started figuring out cross overs just recently. That was a party moment! Last night was my first Wreckers practice since the end of August. It rocked, I sucked. I still need to learn the baby basics, such as staying low at all times. I ended up on my ass in spectacular fashion after getting a tiny push from my blocker. I saw the before picture and was shocked at how upright I was. That must be fixed immediately if not sooner.

I find it funny that I barely sleep the night of practice. My mind keeps processing a ton of can I improve my stance, my speed, my endurance. It's a non stop process fest that leaves me exhausted. I'm still freaked out about hitting the rope and falling, but really, falling shouldn't worry me. Thoughts like like are what's holding me back. Then again, I've only been to a handful of practices. Small wonder I'm concerned. :)

Soaking in the tub I was again reminded of what a huge difference the derby community makes towards one feeling welcome. These ladies are amazing!

I did get some compliments yesterday, always a good thing to boost one's morale.


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