Keeping You Informed

Sep 09, 2009 09:14

I haven't felt like making lengthy posts lately. It seems to be so much easier just to pop over to FB and make a quick little comment. So this will be a long update, just to keep everyone informed...

The Yard:
I've given up on the back yard. I'm done with it. Every time I weed and mow and try to make some sense out of it, Richard throws more garbage (aka car parts) back there. I usually spend a day just moving things around so I can actually work on the yard itself. Enough is enough. I'm tired of trying to make it look nice while he builds his junk yard. So I have moved to the front yard. Richard has been given strict regulations about vehicles on the front the lawn...there will be none of that! I will make sure that the front is mowed and any future planting will go out there. I haven't stepped into the back yard in over a month now. I refuse to acknowledge it's existence.

The House:
It's too crowded and cluttered. I have been continually donating items to AmVets because I just can't stand all the clutter any more. I would really like to cut back to bare essentials...if only I could get everyone else to comply. Sitting on the piano right now is a gift bag of little goodies that Richard got for Christmas. It's been sitting there since Christmas. I don't think he evens remembers what's in it. Will he miss it if I toss it out? Oh yeah. Then he'll have a fit. Same with the girls. Rachel has what I like to call "The Corner of Fun" in the livingroom. It's an unorganized cluttered pile of discarded half-started crafting projects. Every evening she complains, "I'm bored!" I say, "Why don't you finish one of your projects?" She says, "I want to do something fun!" So I direct her to....THE CORNER OF FUN! It just gets larger.

The Cats:
As you may already have heard, we've had a sick cat recently...poor Jack! In an effort to save a few dollars, I recently switched their food to something cheaper. Bad move! Seems the cheaper food gave him digestive/urinary issues and caused him to start peeing every where and peeing blood. Not cool. So now we have to give him pills for two weeks (one week to go still) and he's on a special diet for three months. Which of course means all the other cats are on a special diet as well. For two days they wouldn't touch the special food...finally they got hungry. After three months, we can switch back to the original food and all should be well again...I hope. Jack spent a very traumatizing night at the vet's and he's still recovering from that. I feel so bad about this whole thing...he just hasn't been the same cat since.

The Girls:
The new school year is off to a bang with both of the girls already missing several days due to Influenza A. Best time to be off, really...while everyone is still reviewing last year's material. Raven is working in the salon on actual clients now. She's got business cards and trying to recruit victims new clients so if you happen to be in town, plan on a trip to the salon. Rachel is jumping feet first into every activity she can find. For starters she's already joined the school newspaper staff and jazz band. I'm sure I'll be playing taxi quite a bit this year!

Richard has also been sick with Influenza A and is still recovering. He's been very motivated lately, spending his morning hours solely on job hunting and his afternoon/evening hours working on his Mustang. Apparently he's making some progress; I wouldn't know because I refuse to acknowledge that we have a backyard with a garage. At any rate, he's been a great help. I wish that he were working, but it sure is nice to know I can count on him when the girls need things (like doctor visits) and the cat get sick and all hell seems to break loose. He holds it all together much better than I do.

It's taking me longer to recover from the flu, as I was only able to take two days off work to rest. We couldn't afford more than that. I ended up with a sinus infection, as well. Two weeks and I'm still a little stuffy. But I've managed to get some knitting and spinning done. Raven swears I'll be knitting on my death bed...and she's probably right. Despite the hectic mess we've had around our house, things have been mostly well.

I've been reflecting alot on how different it is, my relationship with the girls as compared to the relationship I had with my parents in high school. I absolutely LOVE spending time with them and truly miss them when they are gone with their friends. They'll ask to go out and question, "What time should I be home?" My answer is always, "Right now!" It's going to be hard when they head out on their own. I'm dreading it...I really am...especially knowing how much Raven wants to travel. *sigh*

I do have plans for returning to school in the future. It will be much later than I imagined and in an entirely different direction, but I will do it. Right now I just want to spend time with my girls. When they're gone and I have lonely hours to fill, I'll hit the books again. I'm looking into the textile industry now...surprise, surprise...'cause I know that no matter what, there will be many more years of knitting and spinning in my future!

richard, health, raven, yard, spinning, school, cats, knitting, rachel

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