Murr I'll explain later.
For now I dont wanna think of things like that, so quizzage and information! Apparently SuperAmerica isnt hiring they are just going to give their employees more hours, which is understandable. So I went with Subway. If they dont hire me I'll try Chuck Wagon Grill then maybe a few places over by target- I'm kinda shying away from the mall because well I would hate to work there with the cliquiness. /).(\
Anyhoo- survey for all yous.
Ganked from Celesse:
1. Which of my icons is your favorite and why?
2. Which of my icons is your least favorite and why?
3. Which of my icons have you always wanted context for?
4. Which of my icons have you never noticed I even had before?
5. Which icon do you visually imagine when you think of my journal?
My Icons.
Copy and paste Address (URL) and put it as (a href="url") or in (img src="url") format to show your responses. ^_^ (Change the parenthasis to < > please).