neighborhood scammer

Oct 08, 2012 14:18

So 5 times (on different days) in the past week Rob and I have been hit up by the same guy asking for money with the same obviously fake story (since he's repeated it) need some money for gas at the corner gas station- in a bind- need help- $10 etc.- but since he's asked so many times we stopped believing the story and he's ringing doorbells to ask etc. We pretty much never have cash in the house anyway- so it's not like we could help or after determining he's scamming want to- but it's bugging me that neighbors might get fooled-
He's come to our door at night- he's gone to neighbor's doors at night- he comes up to us outside the house- and most recently at almost 3 in the morning when we came home from a friends' place he came up to the car as I pulled into the driveway- Rob was asleep in the backseat and didn't wake up and this annoyed me- not that Rob didn't wake- but that he came into the space I was about to open the door into that late at night and if I hadn't been so irritated it might have been intimidating. To go up to a woman who appears to be alone in a car as she parks can be threatening. I basically rolled the window down and said- you've already asked us for money 5 times this week- and he kept asking and I just repeated that until he went away- though I'm not positive if he noticed Rob in the backseat before he went away or just realized I wasn't going to give him any money. So it's not illegal to ask folks for money- well, maybe it is- but it's not a hard law that gets used much- I just don't like scams and don't like the thought of anyone in the neighborhood being intimidated ot cajoled into giving money to someone obviously lying. Hmph.
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