Sep 14, 2005 22:28
Dude, so tonight I got electrocuted for the first time ever, besides those stupid things in physics class. It was pretty intense, I'm not gonna lie. I took my old hard drive out of my computer and put it in an external case, but I didn't have all the pieces for the case, so it's just a hard drive sitting on top of a static bag w/no top on the case. It's been like that for a while, but today I noticed it was off (when it should have been on) so I was fiddling around with it and I could get it to stay on for a bit if I held the power cord in, so I did and then all of a sudden I just felt really intense pain and, well, shock. It was pretty nuts, and I can still feel like... phantom pain (or maybe real, but I don't think so) in my hand. P.S. This happened a couple hours ago, it really did hurt for a while after.
It's just a very weird feeling. I told my suitemate, Brad, and he said, "it's all you can think about for a while," and it totally is. I just keep rubbing my hand and thinking how weird and scary and painful that was. Anyways, that's my excitement for the night. I also still can't get the external case to work, to add insult to injury. And I very much am hoping that it is just the case that's broken, but based on the fact that I did work when I held it in (and yeah, I very carefully tried it again later (much later) after I got shocked), I'm hoping the hard drive will work in another case.