Mar 18, 2008 17:36
So there is this guy, he's like a year older than me, but I recently started hanging out with him and I just can't stop thinking about him...but I'm really not sure if I like him like that or not...because that feeling of like butterflies and nerves in my stomach that I've gotten with other people that I've liked, I'm just not feeling this time, at least not like that.
I don't know what it is though, there is just something about him. The way he walks and the way he is, it's just cool...and I feel this connection between us...
ever since I met him I knew there was something about him, even before he knew that I existed, I just kind of admired him from afar. And I mean he's not the coolest guy ever or anything, I just feel a longing to spend time with him.
Maybe I just want to get to know him better, I feel like he really understands no one else really has and I can just be open and feel comfy around him.
I see him around sometimes, and I really don't want him to catch me staring at him :P He's just so intresting
and the way that he is...the way he kind of pushes aside the importance of things he doesn't think he needs to know, but then when he actually does like something it's like he sucks in all the information he can find.
My friends tease me and him to about having a thing for each other, but neither of us have really ever said anything so there's no reason for me to believe anything they are saying...they are just strange :P his lips are really pouty too... XD
gotta see where this goes, but im totally not rushing anything.
An cafe's gokutama rock kicks ass btw :P