This weekend, lots of wonderful things happened. On Friday night I went to a bar that is in a former mansion, it was absolutely gorgeous (if far too expensive for its own good). On Saturday I went for lunch in Palermo Viejo with my friend Sara, and not once but twice a band of clowns passed us by and invited us to their show. (We didn't go.)
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RE Ophelia: Interesting. Still, my favorite interpretation of Ophelia is my own crack rendition wherein she is actually an otherworld being (a fairy chageling or something like). Her madness in that case is something much more like her 'true nature'. And her death (the odd circumstance of it, the way Gertrued describes it as if she watched but couldn't do anything about it) . . . that all becomes rather fun to play with in the fairy interpretation. Which could all be take metaphorically as well. But yeah, mostly just crack :P. What you describe is, i think, definitely a very strong 'realistic' take Ophelia.
"It has occurred to me that perhaps one could interpret Hamlet that everything that happens, happens because Hamlet has very little understanding of what the difference between love and lust is." --- D: I don't really have a firm grasp on that distinction either. Idk though, it seems rather that he certainly DOES make the distinction, especially in temporal terms. He seems to think that love should be eternal, as opposed to lust, which is fleeting (at best meaningless and at worst utterly abhorrent). Although he wants to believe in the possibility of love (and loyalty), beginning with his father's death he becomes extremely dubious as to whether or not it is (and pretty much certain that, if it is, he and the people around him are failing miserably at realizing that possibility).
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