Hobbit review

Dec 20, 2013 20:57

I got to see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug today! *happy dance*
Lovvvvvvvveeeeeeeeedddddddd itttttttttt

(No, my keyboard isn't stuck. I'm just having teh feels, okay?)

Thorin hasn't gotten any less hot since the last movie.

Legolas' father, Thranduil, is perfect. Smarmy, self-righteous, snooty, authoritative, elegant, regal, and just a bit sinister.

Those spiders, though! UGH! I'm normally not super-squeamish about stuff like that, but there were so many of them, and they were so...articulated. The sound effects and movements, and texture... *shudder*
I actually liked Legolas more in this one than I did in the original trilogy. Maybe it's a case of absence making the heart grow fonder because it's been so long since I saw him, but he seemed more real in this. Less ethereal, more emotional.
The dwarf/elf romance was cute. And it's nice to see the damsel rescuing the guy for once...or twice, at least. You go, girl! And I'm not a Tolkien purist so I won't whine about Jackson adding stuff like that.

The slapstick elements were good, especially in the river chase scene. Legolas standing on dwarf heads to cross the river...LOL

As for the titular dragon, it took too long to get to him for my tastes, but once he appeared he was great. I loved his eyes, and way his chest glowed just before he breathed fire was freaking awesome. (It did remind me a bit of Deathwing though. So did his last lines: "I am fire. I am death!" Our dear ol' D.W. did that whole "I am death" schtick, too. Heh.)

His long, serpentine neck was certainly expressive, although I'm so used to shorter-necked WoW-style dragons that it was a bit odd at first. No complaints about his voice. The feeling of weight behind his movements was well done.
I loved the gold-clinking-together sound effects of his hoard flowing around.

Other WoW-related thoughts:

Incorporeal-Sauron reminded me of the sha.

When the dwarves were running on foot from the orcs on worgs, I wanted to shout, "Didn't you noobs save up for a mount yet?" ;)

Giant dwarf statues made me think of Ironforge.

Gold-covered Smaug looked like he was trying too hard to disguise himself as a bronze dragon. ;)

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