WoW Patch 5.4

Sep 12, 2013 14:08

Day one of 5.4:

Braved the insane lag of Stormrage on patch day.

Got my legendary cloak.

Killed Boss #1 in SoO on the third try in 10 man normal.

Made decent progress on Boss #2 in 10 man normal.

Killed first two bosses in 11 man flex raid.

Made mediocre progress on Boss #3 in flex raid.

Day two of 5.4:

We downed Boss #2 on normal 10-man, then progressed a bit on #3, then switched to flex again to kill #3 and make a couple decent attempts on #4, a.k.a. Sha of Pride. No loot for me, although a killer Warforged cloth chest dropped off Protectors that our warlock won. Warlocks are eeeeeevil! ;)

While working on Norushen general chat suddenly exploded with spoilers about the ending cinematic. The identity of the new warchief was not really a surprise to me, and the parts I did care about were not talked about there before I had a chance to see the video myself, so…phew.

I think Taran Zhu is freaking indestructible. After limping away, trailing blood, from the gates of Lei Shen’s palace, to getting soundly thwomped and chopped trying to stop Garrosh from dunking the Heart in the Vale, I’m beginning to think that guy’s immortal or something. Heh.

I was glad to see Lor’themar, Varian, Anduin, Jaina, and everyone else rumored to possibly be killed off in the siege all made it through alive.

Gallywix is in game? Whoa! And he’s been on a diet.

I wasn’t ruling out a wild card candidate for warchief, but I was expecting Vol’jin. Especially after having a book dedicated to him, it seemed like he’d been getting the most attention lately. I really doubted they would put someone in charge who wasn’t from the original three Horde races (orc, troll, tauren).

Honestly, I understand why it’s worrisome in the long run that Jaina’s portrayed as vindictive and bloodthirsty here, and I really really really don’t want her to be a future raid boss, but at the moment, after watching her cool animation and hearing the badassery of her voice, my current reaction is “HELL YEAH, FEMALE HUMAN MAGES ARE THE BOMB!” But then I’m biased. ;)
That’s not to say that I didn’t think Varian’s decision was a wise one, because I’m glad he didn’t push for a continued war that would have continued the suffering, destruction, instability and body count. He’s right: that is the decision a king should make, to spare his people all that. The pre-Garrosh days between the Horde and Alliance weren’t friendly, of course, but the uneasy truce worked a lot better than this war. Whether Varian personally wanted to disembowel Vol’jin there on the spot or not (and I don’t think he truly did; he’s matured during the Pandaria campaign), he wasn’t speaking on behalf of himself, personally. He was thinking of the well-being of his people, as a king should.

That’s my take on it, anyway.

Varian and Garrosh both had a long way to go to become good leaders when they were introduced. Varian’s journey hasn’t been easy (or smoothly told) but he’s getting there, slowly. Garrosh’s development went in the complete opposite direction, and the contrast between them is interesting.

I also have to admit I’m a little peeved that Garrosh freaking Hellscream is the one who survives his climactic boss fight, when characters I wanted to see redeemed about 9,274 times more (e.g. Illidan, Kael’thas, Fandral Staghelm, even Arthas to some degree) got shoved under the bus. That stinks. But I’ll reserve final judgment until we see how his “trial” goes.

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