Game of Thrones tonight

May 13, 2012 21:37

And the changes from the book continue to pile up...

I don't automatically dislike it when something is different in a filmed version versus the original book version. There were things in the Harry Potter movies that I liked better onscreen, and some changes so far with Game of Thrones have been fine.

The jury's still out on the changes to Dany's plot, with her dragons being kid--er, whelpnapped. I'm reserving judgment until I see where they're going with it. I definitely liked the icy way Dany shot down Ser Jorah's advances. Every inch a queen, that one, if only she'd get a proper kingdom to rule...

My main beef is with Jaime's character in tonight's episode. He beats and strangles two people to death to escape from the Starks' prison cell. One of his victims once squired for him at a tournament, and they had a friendly conversation just before Jaime attacked him.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to whitewash Jaime's character. I'm well aware that he's done some despicable things, from Kingslaying to incest, defenestrating small children to killing enemies, etc. It's not out of character for him to kill people, especially not in order to escape imprisonment by an enemy in wartime.
I guess what struck me as discordant with the Jaime I know was the way he chatted up his former squire beforehand, even bonding a little with memories of their first campaigns, and then asking a favor...which turned out to be "Let me kill you to create a diversion." 0_o
It's just that, after betraying Aegon, I would have thought Jaime would balk a bit more at killing someone he knew, up close and personal, outside of the heat of battle. He's been there, done that, and it didn't set well. Then again, once you've crossed that line...

Oh well, not a huge deal, but after waiting so long to get Jaime back onscreen, I was a bit taken aback to have that be his reintroduction. Still, I finally got to see him and Brienne meet. "Is that a woman?" indeed... *snerk* Definitely looking forward to more of those two interacting.

song of ice and fire

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