Just the tip of the iceberg

Oct 24, 2011 19:43

I wrote this comment to an article on WoW Insider and thought it was insightful enough to copy it here for posterity:

To all the people complaining about loose plot threads they would rather see addressed instead of Pandaria:

What makes you think those things won't be part of MoP? We don't know everything yet. For all we know when we hit level 90 we'll be ported into a zone where Calia Menethil, Turalyon, Alleria Windrunner, Lich King Bolvar, N'zoth, Azshara and Neptulon are playing poker in a brand-new Titan facility.

We actually know very little about the plot of the next expansion. Be patient. Think about how much we knew about Ulduar, the vrykul and valk'kyr, the Nexus War, and the Ashen Verdict when they announced Wrath of the Lich King. That's right, we didn't know about any of that.

Watch the original WotLK trailer again:

Except for a few very quick flashes near the end, it's filmed entirely in the Howling Fjord, and one little scene in Dragonblight. We got a brief glimpse of gameplay as the new class, a couple of new mobs, and a few text clues about new features (loldancestudio notwithstanding). That was it.
The Argent Tournament, Yogg-Saron, Malygos, the Wyrmrest Accord, Sholazar, the Sons of Hodir, Wrathgate, Naxxramas, Zul'Drak, iron dwarves, valkyr, magnataur, kvaldir, kaluak, the Nexus, Wintergrasp, worgen and furbolg in the Grizzly Hills, Dalaran, Icecrown Citadel and environs... NONE of that was in the teaser trailer.
We got a peek at a yeti and an early model for a vrykul, and some scenery. That was it. Compare that to the Mists of Pandaria teaser trailer.

Just wait until more information comes out. Right now, we know nothing (Jon Snow...wait, wrong fandom.)

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