Blizzcon opening ceremony bombshells

Oct 21, 2011 14:12

Opening ceremony of Blizzcon over. Million thoughts bouncing around in my head, have to get some of it down in words while it's fresh...

Not a peep about naga or Azshara. Damn.

It's pandas. Only. Playable as both Alliance and Horde. WTF? I stand corrected; I really never thought that would happen. Not sure if want. :\

New class is monk. Could be fun. New classes are always interesting to explore. Hope they can heal.

"Pet combat system" made me cringe. World of Pokecraft FTL. If it's something completely new, fine. But leave my companions alone. Murky follows me around and sometimes dances. That's it. Please no fighting of minipets. If it's all new pets and stuff, it'll be okay, I guess. Doesn't really excite me, though.

Lack of a central villain..."war itself" is the main antagonist. Oh, blah. I like Warcraft villains. They're fun. On the bright side, if there's no major villain overarching the whole expansion, they can't screw up another good character, so...yeah, could be worse, I guess.
Rabid faction-based rivalry is stupid. It's a game. I enjoy playing my Horde alts, but seems like they're forcing us to pick one or the other, in a way. And ugh, PVP makes me want to break out in hives. :p
Something called "PVE scenarios" sounds promising to me, though.

Oh wow, I'm listening to the interview with Metzen now and he revealed that Pandaren were originally going to be the new Alliance race in Burning Crusade, but they decided the time wasn't right and made up Draenei instead. 0_o Crazy.
Also, no concrete plans for updated models for vanilla races.

This seems like even more of a change to the fundamental feel of the game than Cataclysm was, in some ways... I'm definitely not as pumped up as I was when I first learned of the previous expansions,'s all brand-new and I haven't really had time to process it all. My gut reaction, though, was "Oh, shit, it's pandas."

Edited after the next panel:
Pandas are slowly growing on me. New maps look gorgeous. New talent system looks promising but will reallllly take some getting used to. PVE scenarios look right up my alley, really liking the ideas there. Pet battle system looks retarded as hell.

warcraft - general

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