I found these quotes online a long time ago and jotted them down on post-its that I just found while cleaning my desk. I shall now type them here so I can toss out the notes. :p
These are quotes from reviewers about the third Pirates of the Caribbean film, focusing on shipping issues.
Note that I don't necessarily agree with everything quoted below, but it's very interesting to see how someone outside of fandom looks at shipping issues.
From the San Francisco Chronicle, 5/24/2007, by Mick La Salle...
Will and Elizabeth, as characters, are destroyed. They've become a mass of multiple motivations and loyalties. Lacking consistency, they're shoehorned into any configuration that the screenwriters devise, to the extent that when we look at them, we no longer see Will and Elizabeth. We see Bloom and Knightley gamely struggling to locate a shred of authenticity in their roles. They don't find it, and it's not their fault. It's not there.
. . .
The 'Pirates' series had the slender emotional thread on which to hang its story cycle--Will and Elizabeths's undying, undiminished, idealized romance--and, amazingly, they damaged it, miring it in ambiguity and compromise.
. . .
Rush's performance is good, 'though to talk about performances is a little beside the point. Everyone is hostage to the screenplay. Everyone is on a boat that has already gone off a cliff.
From Entertainment Weekly, 5/23/2007, by Owen Gleiberman
I wish the film had played up his [Davy Jones'] poison-love backstory. Instead we're stuck with a late-in-the-game revival of the Orlando Bloom-Keira Knightley "chemistry," and it's an embarrassment, an admission that this old-fashioned yarn needs romance yet, in effect, has none.
So there, for what it's worth, two mainstream reviewers agree that Willbeth fails hardcore.
*tosses out the aforementioned sticky notes and resumes cleaning desk*