WoW Stuff

Aug 28, 2008 10:38

It's actually been awhile since I wrote about what I've been up to in WoW, so here goes.

We've managed to down Void Reaver every time we've attempted him in the last few weeks, usually on the first try. This is awesome, and I've already picked up my Tier 5 shoulders, which are part of the Tirisfal Regalia, a.k.a. the most awesome looking mage set in the game, IMHO. :D The guild has decided to use DKP for the Tier 5 raids, now that we can actually kill a boss in there, and keep using our old "/roll with a bit of common sense from the officers when needed" system for the Tier 4 stuff (Gruul, Mags, etc). We used to use DKP back in the MC/BWL days, but hadn't yet for TBC content. It's fair to everyone and I don't really mind it, although I know some people hate it.

Buoyed by our success on VR, we were pretty optimistic for downing the Lurker, but the first post-VR attempt we made on him were pretty disastrous. Well, I shouldn't be quite so negative, we did get him down to 30-something percent, if I remember right, but it was messy and subsequent attempts were worse. It's not hard, people! Just know where to stand, when to move, etc. Sigh.

We joined in a guild alliance for some Mount Hyjal raids and so far it's been awesome. We downed Rage Winterchill on our second attempt on the first night, and we've since killed him several more times. We're learning Anatheron now and we just about have the hang of it. (What is WITH his stereotypical vampire voice, anyway? I mean, I know Dreadlords are sort of vampiric, but the voice is dumb.)

Eh, more later. Don't have time to ramble now. ;)

warcraft - raiding

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