Where were you during WC3?

Jan 15, 2008 13:03

There's an absolutely awesome thread right now at the official WoW forums where people are posting short blurbs about where there character was during Warcraft III, and what they were doing. Sort of a thumbnail character sketch for RP-ers.

Of course I couldn't resist making a few posts myself. :)

MAELDAN (Night Elf shadow priest sorcerer)
I was sneaking off to practice dark magic when the rest of the folks at the Astranaar orphanage weren't looking.
All those dead squirrels that somehow showed up in the yard? I had nothing to do with it, I swear!

[Side note: Maeldan finally got his epic mount last night! Level 62 and poking around in Zangarmarsh while finishing some quests in Hellfire. Woot!]


MEELLA (Undead priestess)
I was a novice in the temple in Lordaeron's capital.
When Arthas was about to sail to Northrend the temple held a little ceremony to send him off with the blessings of the Light. I stood there and lit a candle for that traitorous bastard.

Later my brothers and sisters and I were torn apart by ghouls in that same temple.

May the Light have mercy on whatever is left of Arthas' soul, because I have none--only hatred.

[I should add that Meella is actually very kind-hearted and altruistic, except where Arthas is concerned. She loathes him, focusing all her angst about being (un)dead and her country being ruined on him.]


VILLESHARI (Blood Elf warlock)
My mother died when I was very small. My father was a member of the Convocation of Silvermoon and a wealthy merchant with a small fleet of trading vessels based at the Sunsail Anchorage.
He wanted me to become a mage but I just didn't have the knack for it and Dalaran refused to accept me. So I stayed home, dabbling with fire magic and sewing like a good little spoiled rich girl.
My father and the King attempted to set me up with Kael'thas. He was too smitten with that stupid human girl to take me seriously, however, and nothing came of it.

A few years later the Scourge came a'knockin' and killed my father, the king, and pretty much everyone else I knew. Left to my own devices, I discovered that some of that darker magic the Scourge was throwing around was easier for me to master than the old-fashioned mage stuff I had tried before.

I eventually managed to summon a big blue squishy demon named Sarvhug. How can you not love something with the word "hug" right there in its name? We make a good team.


SHELKAENA (Blood Knight)
My mom was a ranger. She got killed in an early skirmish with the Scourge.
My father was an apothecary in Silvermoon. He died when the city fell. I hid in a crawlspace in the storage room.

For awhile I tried to make a living with my father's shop, but it got harder and harder to make an honest living in the apothecary business when everyone just wanted Bloodthistle. Finally I closed up shop and joined the new Blood Knights. The training was grueling but they gave me a roof over my head and I found I rather liked swinging a huge sword around and smiting things.


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