HP quote

Jul 07, 2007 22:42

The brilliant and prolific Orson Scott Card posted his analysis of Snape after HBP at this site. I'd read most if not all of it before in the Borders exclusive book "The Great Snape Debate," but I enjoyed reading it this time, too. Lots of good stuff in there, and it's especially interesting to see how Card traces Snape's development as a character from one book to the next from the perspective of a fellow writer, how in the writing process the characters take on a life of their own, plots evolve, and things happen in your story that you never planned, often for the better.

One quote that has nothing to do with Snape or the psychology of a writer, but made me crack up, was this:
As for Harry dying in the process of killing Voldemort -- well, she could do that, but she won't enjoy going through the rest of her life without a single literate person ever speaking to her again.

Bwahahaha! So true. XD

harry potter - misc

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