Sep 22, 2006 02:42
Guess who got her Netherwind Crown from Onxyia tonight?
I'll give you a starts with an "S" and ends with a "karlette." Woo-hoo! My first Tier 2 piece! *dances*
We won't discuss what it did to my DKP rating. ;)
In non-WoW news, it's been pouring rain all evening and it's supposed to continue to do so all night and into tomorrow. Yay.
My hayfever/fall allergies have been making their presence known the last two days with a stuffy/sneezy/runny nose, but nothing major--just annoying.
Cleaned all the fish tanks today, and Mellie already seems better. She ate supper normally, and she's a bit more active with her fins not so droopy. All good things, and signs that it was just another one of her "episodes." I know sometime she won't recover from a bout like this, but everything that big ol' beautiful carp is on the mend I breathe a sigh of relief. ^_^
And with that, I'm off to bed with some comic books. Nothing better than going to sleep listening to the rain.
warcraft - raiding,
mundane rl stuff,
fish - goldfish