World of Warcraft Webcomics -- say that five times fast!

Aug 14, 2006 21:10

When katarina42 was visiting this weekend I was showing her some of my favorite WoW webcomics, and I promised to send her a link to some of them. I thought I'd post them here so everyone can enjoy. ^_^

If anyone knows of other WoW webcomics I don't list, let me know!

Flintlocke's Guide to Azeroth -- I LOVE this one. It stars a trigger-happy dwarf with a penchant for weapons made of live or recently-deceased woodland animals. He's accompanied by a hardcore gnome mage, a tree-hugging night elf hunter, a corrupt/incompetent/cowardly human priest, and a gnome rogue who's controlled by macros from a Chinese kid who hasn't been at the keys for months. Their adventures are random, irreverent, and always amusing. Also watch for special CSI-style interludes where two Forsaken detectives attempt to piece together the carnage left by our band of heroes. The link above takes you to the most recent comic; the episode guide is here. The single best comic is definitely this one. ^_^

Manic Graffiti -- Adorable webcomic about some baby Hordelings, including the adorable Noobcow, plus a night elf hunter and various other characters on both sides of the Horde/Alliance. A whimsical, witty, and wacky look into WoW.

Adventures of Blanc -- If night elves could be blond, Blanc might qualify. He's well-intentioned but not the brightest elf ever, and he runs into a lot of bad luck. He's got a gnome and a dwarf as friends but his real favorite companion is his superpukeykyoot snowshoe rabbit. ;)

DL Comics -- Drawn in a delightfully childish style, this series chronicles the adventures of the Dark Legacy guild, especially its rogues, as they face everything from dragons to bratty kids in Stormwind.

Heroes of WoW -- This is a great series--the Ragnaros one is an all-time classic, and there are some wonderful mage jokes--but it goes a loooooong time between updates. The page says it's a "fortnightly" series, but it goes longer than that between new comics. Oh well, they're worth the wait. I particularly like this comic, but you also can't go wrong with a murloc massacre.

Adventures with Play -- This one also goes eons without updates but there are some very funny comics here if you go back far enough. My favorite is, of course, Learn 2 Play: Mage. ;) The Hunter edition is highly amusing as well.

Fierce Bad Rabbit -- auryanne's adorable webcomic features many topics, sometimes including her adventures in WoW with her Tauren druid and other characters.

wow_fanart community on LJ -- Not a webcomic per se, but there's some very nice art here, some of it in comic form.

And, I saved the best for last.

Equinox: Defender of the Horde -- This is an incredible series. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll gasp in surprise...I'm not kidding. It may take a few comics before you sort of get into it, but trust me--it's well worth it. Equinox is a Tauren warrior. He's a bit slow but, not to fall back on a cliche, he has a heart of gold. He's brave and kind and everything a hero should be. His sweetie, Marvah, is a troll priestess and engineer. They have a wide array of enemies and allies--and it's not always easy to tell which is which. Equinox may get confused or miss the whole picture sometimes, but he has a lot of insight into life and what's right and wrong. His journeys are funny, poignant, thought-provoking, exciting, heart-breaking, heart-warming, and utterly fascinating.

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