May 27, 2006 02:25

Tonight in WoW we had the Onxyia/Molten Core double whammy. We waltzed in and killed Onyxia without a single wipe, then, after that lovely warm-up, headed straight to MC.

We took down Golemagg and Domo, each without a wipe, and then got to Ragnaros.
I'd only seen him in person once before. That time we weren't prepared but just sort of poked in to see what it was like anyway. We wiped very quickly as expected and called it a night, just tickled to have gotten that far.

I skip MC pretty often so the guild had been practicing on him since then. I was a bit behind the learning curve and died embarassingly fast by being thrown into the lava in like the first minute of the fight. Doh! >_< It was okay though because the first try was a wipe. Then while most of us were still dead someone accidentally aggroed Rags again and the few people who were up died again. Heehee...
But the second real try went better. It was right down to the wire. A few leftover dots, especially SW:P, made the difference, it was THAT close. Only four people in a full raid were left standing when Rags died.
I made it until about a minute or slightly less than a minute before he died, so I did much better the second time. ;)

But ZOMG we killed Ragnaros! Woo-hoo!

I've now participated in killing Onyxia, Hakkar, and Ragnaros! o_0 Watch out, C'Thun! I haven't been to AQ since opening day, but if I've gotten this far I wouldn't count it out in the future. ^_^

Oh, and guess who rolled a 100 and won this little beauty? XD Golemagg dropped a lovely glowing blue sword just for me! ^_^ ZOMG TEH EPIX! Added to my Eye of Flame, Zandalarian Hero Charm, and Dragonslayer's Signet, that's four epics on Skarlette. Woo-hoo!

warcraft - raiding

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