(no subject)

Apr 03, 2006 15:12

I hate the spring time change. My hours are so screwed up. I didn't get to sleep until like 4 AM new time, and it's now after 3 PM and I haven't had lunch yet. >_< Darn daylight savings time. Darn it to heck, I say!

I also have had this annoying alphabet song that the kids' choir sang in church last Wednesday stuck in my head ever since. It's getting old really fast. :-p *rummages for a CD*

Because I'm too groggy to say anything profound, here's something fun for my fellow Warcraft geeks:

From yonder page...

This isn't the whole thing, just the parts that made me LOL...


Night Elves will now lose a small percentage of experience after jumping.


The non-combat pet 'Murky' will now be required from every player wishing to enter Onyxia's Lair as we wanted this raid encounter to feel very special.


New Level 1 only Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin bracket available!

Now THAT would be interesting...

Pets have a small chance to attack the Hunter when hungry. The chance increases with each passing moment that the pet isn't fed.

I actually like this idea, lol.

Physical damage will no longer destroy totems.

Heh, seems about right.

# Using friendly emotes will now significantly increase the Infernal and Doomguard's chance to remain loyal to the Warlock.
# Friendly emotes are no longer available to the Warlock.

*snerk* /hug Infernal

Dwarf Females now generate rage at a rate three times greater than normal.

And just what are ye implyin'?

Several new items can be found at various vendors which do double and triple damage to players of a specific class or race. We'll add more each patch, but right now Gnome Stomper, Ancient Warlock Destroyer and the Roguebane are immediately available.

WTB Gnome Stomper!

New level 35 quest series added which teaches players to detect stealth. We feel that by this time, players have lived in fear of Rogues long enough.


Placeholder art for the four world dragons will be used while we fix an animation bug associated with their actual design. The placeholder art will be the standard farm chicken, however, each will have a unique color to ensure that one is distinguishable from another.

LFM to kill giant chicken!

Scholomance is now spelled "Sko-lo-mance" to alleviate confusion about its pronunciation. In addition, a sound file has been added outside the instance portal which will phonetically sound out the name upon zoning.


Edwin Vancleef will occasionally shout "Hey you guys!" as players fight their way through Deadmines.


New wing added to Scarlet Monastery called the Graveyard! Check it out!

Been there. ;)

New RageFire Chasm quests added for Alliance players as currently only Horde had quests there.

Ha! Now when do Horde get quests for the Stockades?

Due to the awkward look and feel of Taurens in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Taurens, you've been warned.

LOL, lucky Tauren. I hate that place. ;)

Entering the Barrens will now flag your character for PvP, regardless of your faction or realm type. This is being done to make the zone feel more alive.


Above the corpse of Mankirk's wife, a large red arrow will now appear and be viewable for up to 500 yards. To ensure that the associated quest offers some challenge, typing the word 'Mankirk' 'wife' or 'anyone seen' in Barrens chat will now result in experience loss.

ROTFLMAO! Definitely the best of the list!!! XD

In order to assist with various upkeep costs, at a designated time NPC vendors will now give players an amount of gold based upon their level. This is currently slated to occur every Tuesday from 6:00 AM to 11:00 AM PST.


A total of 26 new flightpaths have been added to various points throughout the Barrens.

Hooray! LMAO!
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