Good news, keyboard maintenance and stuff

Mar 25, 2006 12:08

Good news! My cousin Scott got the results back from his tests and full body scan, and there's no sign of cancer anywhere else! It looks like they got it all in the surgery when they removed his thyroid, and the following radiation seems to have taken care of any traces that were left. He's still got treatment and such to go through, but it looks like there aren't any other areas to worry about. Hooray, and thank God!

In far less exciting news, I cleaned my keyboard yesterday. I don't have a can of compressed air and I'm too scared to pry the keys off, so I used the tried-and-true "turn it upside down and shake it like crazy" method. That helped some. Then I cleaned between the keys with a wet Q-tip, which got the dust and crud out from there. I could still see crap underneath the key, though, so with my mom's brilliant suggestion, I got out the vacuum. XD That still wasn't perfect, but it did get some extra junk out. My keyboard looks nice and clean now, unless you really get down and peer between the keys. Kayleen suggested using a post-it note to get some of it to stick and lift out, so I'll have to try that later.

Major betta tank cleaning yesterday. Filters, plants, all that good stuff. Prince was pretty freaked out by it, while Frosty didn't seem too fazed.

That's about it as far as RL goes.

In WoW news, Eitak is level 53 and just got to neutral with the Timbermaw Furbolgs. Woot.
I got Selldorine to level 26 last night questing in the Wetlands. She saw a level 13 gnome trying to traverse the swamp, and jumped in to save his bacon when a level 26 Dragonmaw orc attacked him. My virtual good deed for the day. ;)

And now I shall go make myself a useful member of society. I work all weekend plus Monday.

computer geekiness, warcraft - horde alts, mundane rl stuff, warcraft - alliance alts, family stuff, fish - bettas

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