The Great Harry Potter Re-read of 2005: Book Four

Jul 04, 2005 18:33

I finally finished re-reading Goblet of Fire today! Yay!

Sadly there no way I can finish re-reading Order of the Phoenix before the 16th because I'll be on vacation the 7th-11th. (And before katarina42 breaks my kneecaps, I definitely would rather be having fun with her than reading, so don't hurt me.) ;)

Anyway, without further ado, my notes from my re-read of Book Four...

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Chapter One:
I LOVE this chapter. It's so scary, fascinating, fun and chock full of background info.
The image of Tom Junior's father and grandparents "lying there with their eyes wide open! Cold as ice! Still in their dinner things!" and the eventual ruling that they were not murdered but "frightened to death" are both chilling, disturbing, and a major clue that the series is headed in a dark direction.

The Little Hangleton village pub is "The Hanged Man." As in the Tarot card? Does that have any significance?

"The wealthy man who owned the Riddle House these days neither lived there nor put it to any use; they said in the village that he kept it for 'tax reasons,' though nobody was very clear what these might be. The wealthy owner continued to pay Frank to do the gardening, however." WHO is this mysterious owner? Lucius Malfoy? Whomever he is, is he a wizard or aware of the wizarding world? Or a clueless Muggle?

Frank "could be seen pottering around the flower beds in fine weather." Pottering? *groan* Bad JKR! Bad bad bad.

There's something macabre yet darkly amusing about the great Voldemort being so helpless, needing to be fed like a baby, moved closer to the fire, and to plan for extra rest, etc.

How did Peter get Voldemort into a body? Even a weak, small, deformed one? Voldemort couldn't do it himself, obviously; so what did Peter do? Later, in the graveyard, Voldemort vaguely refers to the old magic Peter used, but nothing specific.

I'd pay good money to watch Peter trying to milk Nagini! LOL! Yes, okay, I know it's venom, not milk, but it's still a hilarious mental picture. XD

Lending credence to the idea that Malfoy or another "former" Death Eater owns the Riddle did Peter and Voldemort know the house was abandoned and empty for their use?

Okay, I have to ask...does Peter have to change Voldie-diapers? o_0 *is severely traumatized*

There's that "give their right hand" joke... JKR is eeeeeevil. ;)

Are we, on second reading, to assume that Voldemort's "faithful servant at Hogwarts" is Crouch!Moody? But this early in the summer he wouldn't be at the school yet, would be? Or was Voldie speaking in more general terms?

Nagini is "at least twelve feet long." Wow! Biiiiiig snakey! She also has a "diamond-patterned tail." I love this line: "The snake. . . was curled up on the rotting hearth rug like some horrible travesty of a pet dog." LOL!

Poor Frank. ;_; One of the Greatest Generation, struck down by dark magic. Such a shame. You can't help but like the old coot.

Chapter Two:
"The idea of Voldemort lurking in Privet Drive was absurd, impossible..." Why don't I believe Harry? o_0

"The very idea of going to them [the Dursleys] when they awoke, and telling them about his scar hurting him, and about his worries about Voldemort, was laughable." And yet...Petunia might be interested in spite of herself. Or even frightened enough to write to Dumbledore. I wonder what would have happened if Harry had talked to her about it? She might have surprised him.

Harry's mental picture of Dumbledore on a beach, putting on suntan lotion, is priceless. XD It also makes me think of the Disney movie The Sword in the Stone and Merlin's vacation attire.

Chapter Four:
Petunia doesn't appear to be familiar with the Floo Network method of transport. That, or she's a good actress.

Petunia hides behind Vernon--out of fear, or because she doesn't want to be recognized? A couple pages later Vernon "moved ever so slightly to the right, screening Aunt Petunia from view." Odd... She later gives "a little shuddering gasp" when the twins Floo back to the Burrow. Does that name ring a bell somehow?

Chapter Five:
Ginny still blushes to see Harry. Aww...

Chapter Six:
Amos Diggory on his son's Quidditch victory last year: "Ced, that'll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will... You beat Harry Potter!" :( What grandchildren? Poor, poor Cedric!

Chapter Seven:
Those fancy binoculars I was trying to think of while reading book one are called "omnioculars." They're brass and have instant replay, slo-mo and play-by-play features. A bargain at ten Galleons? ;)

Chapter Nine:
I'm so dumb...THAT'S where "Deleterius" (i.e. deleterius) is from! D'oh!

If this were CSI they'd fingerprint Harry's wand to see who cast the Dark Mark! One thing, at least, that Muggles do better! Is there a magical equivalent of luminol? ;)

Chapter Ten:
Not that I have any expectation of a vampire being a major character (or vice versa) but Rita Skeeter writes an article criticizing the Ministry of Magic for concerning itself with cauldron thickness instead of "stamping out vampires." Percy starts to say something about how vampires are addressed in "paragraph twelve of the Guidelines for the Treatment of Non-Wizard Part-Humans" but Bill cuts him off in boredom. Hmm...what do those guidelines say?

The Weasleys' clock has a spot for "prison" as well as work, home, etc. Will that be used one day? Is this a subtle clue that Percy is headed to Azkaban?

Chapter Twelve:
How frustrating that we get zero description of Professor Sinistra! The other teachers are all described briefly as to their hair color, hats, stature, etc, but all we know about the Astronomy Professor is that she is sitting between Sprout and Snape. Odd!

The Sorting Hat tells what sort of land the Founders were from:
Gryffindor -- moor
Ravenclaw -- glen
Hufflepuff -- broad valley
Slytherin -- fen

We also learn that the Sorting Hat was once Godric's own chapeau.

OMG, Dennis Creevy/Giant Squid is sooooooo canon! LOL! ;D

Dumbledore has a "deep voice"? This is reinforced, again with the word "deep" in Chapter Sixteen. I never thought of him as having a deep voice. A strong one, but not deep. Movie contamination, I guess.

Chapter Seventeen:
Interesting moment as Snape defends Dumbledore to Karkaroff (of course placing blame on Harry's habitual rule-breaking instead.) Dumbledore thanks him and shuts him up in one swift move.

"Moody" explains exactly how "someone" (himself) rigged the Goblet to include Harry. Only Karkaroff voices suspicion about how he "seem[ed] to have given this a great deal of thought," but of course he's a slimy, untrustworthy character so we don't put any stock in his opinion on our first reading. Very sneaky, JKR!

Chapter Eighteen:
Hermione says that Harry is "already in half the books about You-Know-Who." Even assuming she's estimating, wouldn't Harry be in virtually all of them? At least those published since 1981? o_0

This is both a great and a terrible chapter for a Snape-fangirl. He is described as having "a soft, deadly voice." *g* Later he uses "his silkiest voice."
However, this is about the most unlikable the ol' git is in the entire series to date. Between the infamous "I see no difference" comment on Hermione's hexed teeth and then not taking any points from Slytherin for Draco's actions, he's even more of a bastard than usual here. >_< Must have been having an especially bad day. :-p

Then again, Harry's not exactly a cherub here, either, wishing he could zap Snape with the Cruciatus Curse and watch him "flat on his back like that spider, jerking and twitching." o_0 *backs away slowly* Anger management, Harry. Now.

Chapter Twenty:
Library book title: "Men Who Love Dragons Too Much." That's either a book about Hagrid or a really weird porno. Hopefully NOT both. >_<

Hey, the Diffindo spell is canon, not just video game jargon. Heh. Not only am I apparently suffering from movie contamination, but I've got PC game jargon, too.

"Harry wouldn't have let his worst enemy face those monsters [the dragons] unprepared--well, perhaps Malfoy or Snape..." Okay, two things here: 1. LOL! 2. Your worst enemy? Like, oh, I dunno...VOLDEMORT?! Harry, you dumbass.

While practicing Summoning Charms and trying to ignore Professor Trelawney, Harry summons a fly "straight into his hand, though he wasn't entirely sure that was his prowess at Summoning Charms--perhaps the fly was just stupid." Or an Animagus? Rita turns into a beetle, not a fly. Would Harry know the difference?

Madam Pomfrey frets, "Last year dementors, this year dragons, what are they going to bring into the school next?" Something worse than both, Poppy-- Umbridge! Eeeek! :-p

Chapter Twenty-one:
Neville thinks the shrieking of the non-submerged Golden Egg sounds like someone being tortured with the Cruciatus Curse. Poor Neville. ;_; Seamus likens it to a banshee, which we know is his boggart.

LMAO, I love Canary Creams. "Just then, Neville caused a slight diversion by turning into a large canary." Bwahahahaha!

Chapter Twenty-two:
After Harry says he (unsuccessfully) asked Cho to the Yule Ball, we are told "Ginny had suddenly stopped smiling." Hello, H/G! :) Then a couple pages later, Ron tells her to go with Harry since he can't seem to find anyone to go with, and she reveals that she accepted Neville's invitation. She says she wouldn't be able to go otherwise, not being in fourth year. "She looked extremely miserable." As well she should, considering that she probably really wanted to go with Harry but assumed (rightly) that he'd never ask her. Now when handed the chance, she already has another committment, and she's too kind to leave Neville in the lurch.

Chapter Twenty-three:
"Ron mouthed soundlessly like a goldfish out of water..." LOL!!!

"Moody" danced with Sinistra at the Yule Ball, so there's canon confirmation of her gender. I hadn't noticed it before. I just have a feeling that she's going to be important later.

Chapter Twenty-four:
Ironic that the Care of Magical Creatures lesson the day after the Yule Ball involved a unicorn that the girls were encouraged to approach and the boys were told to stand back from. If the Yule Ball is anything like prom, I imagine a couple of students no longer meet the unicorn's "virgin" requirement. ;)

Ron joked that Percy was poisoning Crouch Sr. to take his job, when obviously that wasn't the case. So Ron's jokes are NOT always inadvertent predictions. This is good to dispel that whole "Snape = bat" theory. :-p

"Inappropriate charms on a goat" = Best. Line. Ever. XD

Chapter Twenty-five:
Myrtle's such a perv! LOL! Not only does she regularly peek in on bathing prefects, but she said Cedric was there pondering the Golden Egg for "Ages and ages... Nearly all the bubbles had gone..." Bwahahaha! Myrtle, you peeping, er, well, Tom. ;)

Very interesting info about ghosts here. Myrtle says she followed Olive Horby around even after she left school, including at her brother's wedding, until Olive went to the Ministry of Magic to make her stop. So ghosts can leave the vicinity of their demise.

Merlin, I love this scene on the staircase. Not just because of Snape in his nightshirt ;) but because of all the things going on beneath the surface.
1. The issue of Dumbledore's trust in Snape, and how important that trust seems to the Potions Master.
2. Snape "convulsively" grasping the Mark when "Moody" mentions "spots that never come off."
3. Snape recognizing the Marauder's Map
4. The ambiguity of Snape's feelings toward Harry--that conflicting urge to strangle and protect him! ;)
5. The frustration for Snape when yet again he knows without a shadow of a doubt that Harry's up to no good and yet again he's utterly powerless to do anything about it.

Oh, and who searched Snape's office before this time? The real Moody or the fake one?

Chapter Twenty-six:
OMG, Ron suggests (fascetiously) that Harry become a goldfish Animagus for the second task! ROTFL!!!

Chapter Twenty-seven:
I love love love Snape catching the Trio gossiping about their love lives and looking at magazines in his class. Priceless. And say what you want about Snape's attitude, they totally deserved to be disciplined for that. Never mind how much they hate Snape or how belligerent and biased he is, it's just not acceptable for students to be gossiping and reading magazines in class. ;)

Armadillo bile is the most hilariously random potions ingredient! LOL! XD

I find it highly amusing that Sirius still had newspapers clutched in his mouth after turning back into a human!

Sirius: "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." Pot, Kettle, [Sirius] Black...

Chapter Twenty-eight:
While practicing hex-deflection in DADA class, Harry got "a bad case of Twitchy Ears." So that's what happened to Xeebec! ;D

Chapter Twenty-nine:
Ron asks if Snape could have beat Dumbledore and Harry to the forest and Crouch.
"Not unless he can turn himself into a bat or something," said Harry.
"Wouldn't put it past him," Ron muttered.
>_< *puts fingers in ears and sings 'I'm not listening'*

Chapter Thirty:
In the Pensieve for the first time, Harry determines that he's in a memory because Dumbledore ignores him completely, which would never happen in real life. Er, well, at least not until Book Five. ;)

I'd give anything to read about Snape's trial, and how Dumbledore managed to get the charges against him as a DE dismissed. We get to see hearings for Karkaroff and Bagman, neither of which are that fascinating, and just get teased with little mentions of Snape's turn in that chained chair. ARG! I want to know why Dumbledore trusts him so completely! I CAN'T STAND IT!!

Chapter Thirty-three:
The Dark Mark turns red when close to Voldemort, and black when he touches it. Not green, contrary to most fanart. Interesting.

Chapter Thirty-four:
Voldemort says James died facing him, "straight-backed and proud." One more sliver of information about that night in Godric's Hollow.

Chapter Thirty-six:
Snape showing Fudge the Dark Mark on his arm is one of the best scenes in the entire series to date. If they cut it from the GoF movie in November I think I'll throw something at the screen and/or cry. (I already heard they cut the nightshirt-on-the-stairs scene. *sniffle*)

Chapter Thirty-seven:
As Harry recalls in this chapter, Dumbledore said Snape had become a spy for the Order "at great personal risk." Risk to "just" his life, or to something or someone that he cared greatly about? Hmm...

*looks at watch and taps feet* Come on, where's that new canon, dammit? Just twelve days to go... Twelve... Patience is a virtue... Arg!

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